
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Fw: Ref.: (LML) Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. February, 2024


Leprosy Mailing List – February 7,  2024


Ref.:  (LML) Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. February, 2024


From:  Roos Geutjes & Josephine Breman-Srivastava, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

 Dear colleagues, 

It was wonderful seeing you active on Social Media during World Leprosy Day and World NTD Day! We believe that all of us are reinspired and encouraged to continue and accelerate our work towards Eliminating Leprosy, as well as to Unite.Act.Eliminate NTDs. During World Leprosy Day there were two high-level messages from the
WHO and one from UN Human Rights

The year 2024 marks the centenary year for
Lepra. We want to congratulate them and thank them for all the work and change they have done in the last 100 years. To commemorate such a milestone, Lepra has launched a special website. Make sure to check it out to learn about all the achievements of the past 100 years. 

We also want to congratulate
Fontilles for receiving the Jaime Brunet International Award for the Promotion of Human Rights. 

In this Newsletter, you can find practical materials, such as a Guide on Basic Psychological Support for persons affected by Neglected Tropical Diseases,  and the Bahasa Indonesia version of the OpenWHO course on Leprosy: training health workers on skin-NTDs. There is an extensive list of publications, such as two WHO reports, articles on the NLR SkinApp, Dental and Periodontal health status of leprosy patients, case reports, and many more. Make sure to check out the News & Events section to learn about upcoming grants and a training program on "Leprosy: back to the future", which is co-organized by ILEP. 

Warm regards,

Roos Geutjes & Josephine Breman-Srivastava

Practical Materials

Voices of Empathy: Podcasting for Social Impact by GLRA India (Podcast Series).
GLRA India . 2023.

Guide on Basic Psychological Support for Persons Affected by Neglected Tropical Diseases (BPS-N) (Guide).
NLR India . 2023.

Power, participation and promoting equity in the management of skin NTDs (Webinar).
iCHORDS . Knowledge Exchange Café. 2023.

Leprosy: training of health workers on skin-NTDs (Bahasa Indonesia version available).
World Health Organization . OpenWHO. n.d.

Highlighted Publications

Persons affected by leprosy (Hansen's disease) must have access to the highest attainable standard of support and care: UN experts
United Nations Human Rights - Office of the High Commissioner . 2024.

Global Consultation for updating operational plans for island countries and countries close to elimination of leprosy: towards implementation of the Global Leprosy Strategy 2021–2030
World Health Organization . 2024.

The NLR SkinApp: Testing a Supporting mHealth Tool for Frontline Health Workers Performing Skin Screening in Ethiopia and Tanzania
Mwageni N, van Wijk R, Daba F, et al. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. MDPI AG. 2024; 9 (1) : 18.

Health research mentorship in low-income and middle-income countries: a global qualitative evidence synthesis of data from a crowdsourcing open call and scoping review.
Kpokiri E, McDonald K, Abraha Y, et al. BMJ global health. 2024; 9 (1) : 1-10.

Cross-cultural validation of two scales to assess mental wellbeing in persons affected by leprosy in Province 1 and 7, Nepal
Dijkstra JIR, van Elteren M, Banstola NL, et al. PLOS Global Public Health. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 4 (1) : 1-18.

New publications

Feel free to contact us to receive full-text versions if these cannot be found through the Infolep portal.

Report of the seventeenth meeting of the Strategic and technical advisory group for neglected tropical diseases: Geneva, Switzerland, 11–12 October 2023
World Health Organization . 2024.

Unlocking Opportunities for Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium ulcerans.
Shyam M, Kumar S, Singh V. ACS infectious diseases. 2024.

Policy Evolution and Lessons Learned from China's Efforts to Eliminate Leprosy.
Liu Y. Journal of epidemiology and global health. 2024.

Feasibility of post-exposure-prophylaxis with single-dose rifampicin and identification of high prevalent clusters in villages' hyperendemic for leprosy in Senegal.
Batista G, Dioussé P, Diagne P, et al. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2024; 18 (2) : 1-10.

Factors associated with delayed diagnosis of leprosy in an endemic area in Northeastern Brazil: a cross-sectional study
Santos GMCD, Byrne RL, Cubas-Atienzar AI, et al. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. FapUNIFESP (SciELO). 2024; 40 (1) : 1-13.

Musculoskeletal involvement in neglected tropical diseases: a comprehensive review.
Serfaty A, Rodrigues T. Skeletal radiology. 2024.

The association of stigma with the incidence of depression in leprosy patients: a systematic review
Niardhy A. L. P, Prakoeswa F. R. S, Dewi L. M, et al. Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala. 2023; 23 (3) : 377-383.

Clinico-histopathological features and bacillary index in leprosy at a tertiary care hospital in Uttar Pradesh
Mufti S. T, Siddiqui R. U, Khan H. International Journal of Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Pharma Research. 2023.

The Centenary of the Leprosy Relief Association (Lepra)-a moment for celebration and reflection†.
Allen I, Lockwood D, Hay R. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2024.

Control, elimination, and eradication efforts for neglected tropical diseases in the World Health Organization African region over the last 30 years - A scoping review.
Wolfe C, Barry A, Campos A, et al. International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases. 2024.

Epidemiological and Etiopathogenesis aspects of leprosy
Oktariana D, Argentina F, Rahadiyanto KY, et al. Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan : Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. Universitas Sriwijaya (Relawan). 2024; 11 (1) : 96-104.

A Cross Sectional Epidemiological Study to Find the Prevalence of Depression and Anxiety in Patients of Leprosy and It's Correlation to Stigma Related with Leprosy
Kore S, Bhide A, Bhide V, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2023; 15 (12) : 732-735.

Evaluation of Dental and Periodontal Health Status in Leprosy Patients during Three Different Stages of Drug Regimen: A Cross-sectional Study
Choudhari M, Bajaj P. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. JCDR Research and Publications. 2023.

Plantar pressure distribution and altered postural control in multibacillary leprosy patients.
Junior A, Vasconcelos B, Barroso T, et al. BMC infectious diseases. 2024; 24 (1) : 1-9.

Teledermatology to Improve Access to and Quality of Skin Care in Eastern Indonesia.
Adella F, Ammah H, Siregar G, et al. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2024.

Identification of gene signatures and molecular mechanisms underlying the mutual exclusion between psoriasis and leprosy.
Lu Y, Dong R, Yang L, et al. Scientific reports. 2024; 14 (1) : 1-13.

Large-scale epidemiological analysis of common skin diseases to identify shared and unique comorbidities and demographic factors.
Li Q, Patrick M, Sreeskandarajan S, et al. Frontiers in immunology. 2023.

Participatory Development and Assessment of Audio-Delivered Interventions and Written Material and Their Impact on the Perception, Knowledge, and Attitudes Toward Leprosy in Nigeria: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.
Murphy-Okpala N, Dahiru T, Noordende A, et al. JMIR research protocols. 2024.

Molecular epidemiological characteristics of Mycobacterium leprae in highly endemic areas of China during the COVID-19 epidemic
Zhou J, Wu Z, Tong Y, et al. Frontiers in Public Health. Frontiers Media SA. 2024.

Leprosy in Mato Grosso Do Sol: A spatial, socioeconomic and impact view of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Caserta Tencatt-Abrita AP, Boldrine Abrita M. GEOFRONTER. State University of Mato Grosso do Sul. 2024.

Unveiling the role of NK cells, NKT-like cells, and γδ cells in pathogenesis of type 1 reactions in leprosy
Pathak VK, Singh I, Sharma B, et al. Heliyon. Elsevier BV. 2024.

Stigmatisierung beenden und Würde anerkennen: Von Herausforderungen und Hoffnungen zum Welt-Lepra-Tag 2024
Fastenau A, Friedl C, Kasang C. Epidemiologisches Bulletin. 2024.

Tendência das taxas de detecção da hanseníase em um estado da Região Norte do Brasil
Neves DCDO, Silva ARD, Xavier MB, et al. Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. 2023.

Características clínico epidemiológicas de pacientes con Lepra en un centro de referencia
Ortiz N, Benitez J, Acosta ME. Revista del Instituto de Medicina Tropical. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. 2023; 18 (2) : 11-18.

As cerimônias institucionais e a (re)significação da internação no Leprosário de Marituba no Pará (1940-1970)
Cristo M. L. P, Alves L, França S. Revista Sentidos da Cultura. 2024.

Avaliação do perfil de citocinas séricas e óxido nítrico na hanseníase experimental murina
Barbosa ASAA, Lima TS, Sartori BGC, et al. Hansenologia Internationalis: hanseníase e outras doenças infecciosas. Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima. 2024.

Adequabilidade do conhecimento e atitude de profissionais na avaliação das incapacidades hansênicas
Santana EMFD, Brito KKGD, Antas EMV, et al. Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde. Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude. 2024; 24 (1) : 1-9.

GPZL: New Strategy 2024-2026
Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy . 2023.

The Nigeria Case Study in NTD Control Efforts
Dozie I. N. S. Nigeria Journal of Parasitology. 2023; 1 (Special Issue) : 1-23.

Epidemiological Situation of Leprosy in the Littoral Region of Cameroon
Lontsi L. S, Kengne F. B, Nechi A. K, et al. European Journal of Medical and Health Research. 2023; 1 (3) : 50-54.

Continuation of the Journey Towards "Zero Leprosy: Exploring The Pathways Of Leprosy Patients From Their Communities To A Diagnosis In The Districts Of Mayuge, Yumbe, And Kasese - Uganda
Kengonzi R, Stavia T, Samuel O, et al. 2023.

Task sharing for the management of leprosy by nurses in a tertiary healthcare setting of Northern India.
Pratibha P, Kavita K, Mehta H, et al. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2024.

Multimethod evaluation of health services integration for neglected tropical diseases requiring case management in Liberia.
Kollie K, Theobald S, Jones L, et al. BMJ global health. 2024; 9 (1) : 1-14.

Characterization of cases and epidemiological and operational indicators of leprosy: analysis of time series and spatial distribution, Piauí state, Brazil, 2007-2021.
Barros I, Sousa C, da Silva N, et al. Epidemiologia e servicos de saude : revista do Sistema Unico de Saude do Brasil. 2024.

New threats from an old foe: Evaluating the risk to the blood supply due to increasing incidence and endemicity of leprosy in the United States.
Jacobs J, Adkins B, Bibb L, et al. Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis. 2024.

First archaeological evidence for ginger consumption as a potential medicinal ingredient in a late medieval leprosarium at St Leonard, Peterborough, England.
Fiorin E, Roberts C, Baldoni M, et al. Scientific reports. 2024; 14 (1) : 1-10.

What happens when Schwann cells are exposed to Mycobacterium leprae - A systematic review
Brügger L, Santos M, Lara F, et al. IBRO neuroscience reports. 2023.

MicroRNAs correlate with bacillary index and genes associated to cell death processes in leprosy.
Santana N, de Farias L, Lago T, et al. Microbes and infection. 2024.

A cost-effectiveness analysis of a novel algorithm to sequentially diagnose leprosy based on manufactured tests under the SUS perspective.
da Costa M, Magliano C, Barros B, et al. Cadernos de saude publica. 2024; 40 (1) : 1-13.

Performance Evaluation of No-Code Artificial Intelligence Models for the Detection of Acid-Fast Bacilli: A Comparative Analysis of Three Models
Arya Y, Konduru AR. Cureus. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024.

Association of CC-Chemokine Ligand-2 gene Polymorphisms with Leprosy Reactions
Kumar S, Mohanty KK, Singh V, et al. Microbes and Infection. Elsevier BV. 2024.

The role of neurotrophin polymorphisms and susceptibility to neural damage in leprosy.
Jorge K, Braga M, Cazzaniga R, et al. International journal of infectious diseases. 2024.

Development of a multivariate predictive model for dapsone adverse drug events in people with leprosy under standard WHO multidrug therapy.
de Araujo A, Hacker M, Pinheiro R, et al. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2024; 18 (1) : 1-14.

Description of electroneuromiographic and laboratorial findings in leprosy neuropathy, according to its clinical forms: the confirmation of a spectral disease.
Santos D, Borges I, Garcia L, et al. Frontiers in medicine. 2023.

Prevalence Trend and Clinical Profile of Leprosy Among the Indigenous Penan Community in Rural Baram, Sarawak, Malaysia: A Retrospective Study.
Utap M, Ng C, Lee Y, et al. Asia-Pacific journal of public health. 2024.

The role of the Notch signaling pathway in bacterial infectious diseases.
Yin Z, Zhu Y, Shi J, et al. Microbial pathogenesis. 2024.

Living with hanseníase: experiences, meanings and perceptions
Pereira Lima V, De Araujo Soares V, D' `Paula Ribeiro Vieira Torres J, et al. Health and Society. Periodicojs. 2024; 4 (01) : 139-155.

Bacilloscopy for leprosy in Brazil's public health system between 2013 and 2022
Barbosa-Lima R, Vivian GF, Alba LMR, et al. REVISTA CIÊNCIAS EM SAÚDE. Revista Ciencias em Saude. 2023; 13 (4) : 38-45.

Risk Factors for Leprosy in All Health Centers at the Bau-Bau City
Sriningsih C, Sunarsih S, Rahmawati R. Waluya The International Science of Health Journal. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Mandala Waluya. 2023; 2 (4) : 172-175.

A Comparison of Cathelicidin Levels in the Skin of Leprosy Patients and Their Household Contacts
Argentina F, Suwarsa O, Gunawan H, et al. Acta Medica Academica. Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2023.

MicroRNA biomarkers in leprosy: insights from the Northern Brazilian Amazon population and their implications in disease immune-physiopathology
Cáceres-Durán MÁ, Pinto P, Magalhães L, et al. Frontiers in Genetics. Frontiers Media SA. 2024.

Positive Correlation of Plasma Interleukin-6 Levels with Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Anti Phenolic Glycolipid-1 (PGL-1) Levels in Household Contacts of Multibacillary Leprosy Patients
Pratama N, Mas Rusyati LM, Vibriyanti Karma NLPR. International Journal of Research and Review. Galore Knowledge Publication Pvt. Ltd.. 2023; 10 (4) : 144-151.

Determining Factors Of Leprosy: A Case-Control Study In A Hyperendemic Area Of The Brazilian Legal Amazon
Novais DG, Barbosa SM, Mariano WDS, et al. Hygeia - Revista Brasileira de Geografia Médica e da Saúde. PPUFU - Portal de Periódicos da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. 2024.

Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) as a severity predictor of leprosy reaction
Rusyati L. M. M, Sawitri P. D, Darmaputra G. N, et al. Bali Medical Journal. 2024; 13 (1) : 538-541. 

NNN 2022 Conference Report
Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network . 2022.

Case Reports

Lepromatous leprosy masquerading as lichenoid infiltrated rash – A diagnostic predicament
Malhi K, Singh S, Bishnoi A, et al. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Oxford University Press (OUP). 2024.

Syphilis and leprosy coinfection: A diagnostic conundrum.
Londoño-Echeverri M, Vargas-Cely F, García-Luna J, et al. JAAD case reports. 2023.

Trans-epidermal extrusion of lepra bacilli from histoid lesions: a risk of continued transmission.
Gogate S, Khurana A, Ahuja A, et al. International journal of dermatology. 2024.

Lumpy Ear: Lepromatous Leprosy.
Sarawgi D. Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery. 2024.

[Hansen's Disease: An Unusual Manifestation of an Ancient Disease].
Ferreira M, Grijó C, Paulo J, et al. Acta medica portuguesa. 2024.

Lack of Suspicion of Dapsone Hypersensitivity Syndrome in a Leprosy Patient: Case Report with Fatal Outcome.
Ansah R, Arkoh E, Quao B, et al. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023.

A case report of borderline lepromatous leprosy: a neglected tropical disease that impairs quality of life
Rusyati L. M. M, Mahariski P. A, Karmila G. A. A. D, et al. Bali Medical Journal. 2024; 13 (1) : 527-530.

Borderline Lepromatous Leprosy with Mild Reversal Reaction in Child
Fonna N, Ariani T, Rizal Y, et al. Frontiers in Healthcare Research. 2024; 1 (1) : 1-5.

Case Report: Borderline Lepromatous Leprosy Therapy Complicated by Type 1 Leprosy Reaction and Adverse Reactions with Dapsone and Clofazimine.
Matono T, Suzuki S, Mori S, et al. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2024.

Perichondritis of Pinna With External Jugular Vein Thrombosis: A Rare Presentation of Leprosy
Mishra A, Yadav PK, Singh S, et al. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024.

Hansen's Disease, the Perpetual Impersonator ("The Behroopiya") of Rheumatology Practice: A Case Series.
Krishna K, Kansurkar S, Kapoor A, et al. Mediterranean journal of rheumatology. 2023; 34 (4) : 544-546.

Metahemoglobinemia em paciente com Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico, induzida por hanseníase
dos Santos R. R. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. 2024; 7 (1) : 1482-1489.

News & Events

Wellesley Bailey Awards 2024

The Wellesley Bailey Awards honour those who have made extraordinary contributions to society by overcoming the social stigma and physical challenges of leprosy. At a special gala event in New Delhi in November, two individuals will receive the Wellesley Bailey Award in recognition of their extraordinary contributions. Each Award includes a cash prize of £1,000, a citation giving the reasons for the Award, and a presentation plaque.
Nomination deadline is April 1, 2024.

RSTMH Early Career Grants

The RSTMH Early Career Grants aims to encourage and support the next generation of tropical medicine and global health professionals by providing their first research grant. The maximum RSTMH Early Career Grant award is £5,000. The Project should take up to one year to be completed and should start within 3 months of receiving funding. The projects can be on any topic related to tropical medicine and global health, from across the research spectrum for example: lab, translation, implementation, and policy. Application Deadline is April 22, 2024 at 12 pm (BST).

RSTMH 2024 Early Career Grants Programme – guidance webinar for applicants
February 20, 2024; 11:00-12:30 GMT; Online.

This webinar is designed specifically for those considering applying for an Early Career Grant from our 2024 Grants Programme. The webinar will provide an opportunity to learn more about the terms and conditions and process to apply, as well as to hear tips from those who have received a grant in the past. Spaces are limited, so please book your place early.

Joint Message for World Leprosy Day 2024
Ghebreyesus T. A, Sasakawa Y, World Health Organization . World Health Organization . 2024.

Joint message by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization and Mr Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination for World Leprosy Day 2024.

ESCMID Postgraduate Course - Leprosy: back to the future.
May 20-22, 2024, Bergen, Norway.

ESCMID and ILEP have co-organized Leprosy: back to the future, a 3-day postgraduate training program in Bergen, Norway. The program focuses on medical aspects of leprosy so it is designed mostly for medical practitioners who would benefit from learning or updating on current issues in leprosy, especially new approaches to prevention and discussions about 'Zero Leprosy'. However it may also be of interest to program administrators or managers who are already familiar with leprosy. There are a few
LMIC and Young Scientist Members grant spots. If you want to apply for the grant; the deadline is February 12. The registration deadline for general attendance is April 22, 2024.

Sasakawa Health Foundation: Call for Grant Proposals for Hansen's Disease

The Sasakawa Health Foundation has opened a call for grant proposals that focus on one or all of three areas: tackling disease, fighting discrimination, and preserving history. The application period for projects starting in September 2024 is March 11 - April 12, 2024.

Leprosy creeps back in Myanmar as health system falters: Covid and conflict have given the ancient disease space to spread, warn doctors
Newey . The Telegraph. 2024.

Telegraph article reporting on the spread of Leprosy in Myanmar.

Call for Abstracts – HSR2024
November 18-22, 2024, Japan.

The 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research will be held in Nagasaki, Japan in 2024. The theme of  the Symposium is "Building Just and Sustainable Health Systems: Centring People and Protecting the Planet". Abstract submission deadline for Individual sessions is March 20, 2024; and for capacity strengthening sessions it is April 1, 2024.


Info Hansen - A innovative hub for knowledge sharing about Hansen's Disease

ALLF - Official website of the Association des Léprologues de Langue Française

LML - Leprosy Mailing List - a free moderated email list that allows all persons interested in leprosy to share ideas, information, experiences and questions

InfoNTD - Information on cross-cutting issues in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

ILEP newsletter archive

GPZL newsletter subscription

WHO Goodwill Ambassador's Leprosy Bulletin

Leprosy Review

Leprosy Review Repository (1928-2001)

Fontilles Revista de Leprología

Indian Journal of Leprosy

Hansenologia Internationalis

HARP - database of Hansen's Disease Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles

GDPR & the Infolep newsletter

New EU data protection regulations came into force on 25 May 2018. We have been reviewing our practices with regards to the GDPR, including our
privacy statement and mailing list.

Infolep sends out monthly e-mails with an overview of recent publications on leprosy and related issues. The purpose of this activity is to keep subscribers up to date.

Infolep will only process the data we have (names, email addresses) for the purpose of sending you the newsletter. We take your security seriously and will never share your contact details with anyone else.

You can
update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list at any time.

LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<

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