
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Fw: Ref.: (LML) Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. March, 2024




Leprosy Mailing List – March 19,  2024


Ref.:  (LML) Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. March, 2024

From:  Roos Geutjes & Josephine Breman-Srivastava, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Dear colleagues, 

The NTD Inclusion Score Card (NISC) tool software has been updated, and an Action Plan Tool Kit (APTK) has been developed that comprises references with guides, tools, and recommendations for addressing identified gaps in inclusion. It is available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Hindi.
The date and location of the 2024 Annual NNN Conference has been announced. The conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from the 1st to the the 3rd of October, 2024.  Make sure to mark your calendars. We will keep you updated on Twitter and the Newsletter when more information is available. Make sure to keep an eye on the News& Events section in future Newsletter editions.

Warm regards,

Roos Geutjes & Josephine Breman-Srivastava

Practical Materials

Role of Change Agents in Supporting Persons Affected by Leprosy (Webinar in Hindi)
NLR India . 2024.

SBC Learning Center (Online E-learning platform)
Breakthrough Action: For social & behavior change . n.d.

Participation and inclusion - Practical lessons from REDRESS (Podcast)
SCL Agency . Connecting Citizens To Science. 2023.

World Leprosy Day: 'Ending Stigma, Embracing Dignity' (Webinar recording)
the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH) . 2024.

NISC software &  Action Plan Toolkit

Have you conducted the NISC assessment? Need more ideas on how to further improve on the gaps in inclusion you have identified? 

Look no further! The Action Plan Tool Kit (APTK) is here!!! 

It comprises 36 references to established guides, tools, and recommended procedures for addressing identified gaps in inclusion. While extending beyond the NTD field, these resources can be customized to tackle issues within NTD organizations related to the inclusion and meaningful participation of individuals affected by NTDs. Consequently, it functions as a valuable resource for implementing tangible and effective actions toward inclusion across the 7 NISC domains, offering insights into best practices, strategies, and ideas. The APTK can be accessed via within each language-specific folder.

Additionally, the NISC software has been updated. Make sure to download the most recent version via

Highlighted Publications

Leprosy and its climate dimension
Goswami S, Yadavar S, Sarah N, et al. The Leprosy Mission Trust India. 2024.

Development of an integrated and decentralised skin health strategy to improve experiences of skin neglected tropical diseases and other skin conditions in Atwima Mponua District, Ghana
Phillips RO, Owusu L, Koka E, et al. PLOS Global Public Health. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 4 (1) : 1-16.

Applying Geospatial Methods in Leprosy: Prevention and Control
Taal AT. University Medical Center Rotterdam. Erasmus University Rotterdam. 2023.

Improving Early Detection of Leprosy in Indonesia: Establishing case detection delay and associated factors.
Dharmawan Y. Erasmus University Rotterdam. 2023.

New publications

Feel free to contact us to receive full-text versions if these cannot be found through the Infolep portal.

Reactions in leprosy
Grijsen M. L, Naafs B. Community Skin Health. IFD. 2023; 19 (2) : 20-25.

Community based integrated wound care: Results of a pilot formative research conducted in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa
Wadagni ACA, Yao TAK, Diez G, et al. PLOS Global Public Health. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 4 (2) : 1-20.

Spatiotemporal pattern of leprosy in southwest China from 2010 to 2020: an ecological study.
Zhang M, Qiao L, Sun P, et al. BMC public health. 2024; 24 (1) : 1-14.

Clofazimine-induced cutaneous hyperpigmentation as a source of stigma in the treatment of leprosy: A cross-sectional study.
Nogueira A, Garcia M, da Silva M, et al. Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH. 2024.

Eradication of leprosy from India: Reflections on past, present & future.
Katoch V. The Indian journal of medical research. 2024.

Leprosy: treatment, prevention, immune response and gene function
Li X, Ma Y, Li G, et al. Frontiers in Immunology. Frontiers Media SA. 2024.

High-Resolution Ultrasound in Evaluation of Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients of Hansen's Disease
Rai T, Singh M. A, Indal M, et al. Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 2024.

Training and Active Case Detection to Prevent Leprosy: Effect on Knowledge, Attitude and Skills of Health Workers on Early Diagnosis of Leprosy in a Leprosy Hotspot District in Ethiopia
Mamo E, Tsehay D, Hassen S, et al. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. MDPI AG. 2024; 9 (3) : 1-12.

Dutch Colonial Medicine and Empire Building in the Tropics: The Cases of Leprosy and Drug Use in the Dutch East and West Indies Compared
Snelders S. Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Modern History. Springer International Publishing. 2024.

The 'Migrant-Leper' as the Undeserving Outsider: Historicising Leprosy Policy in Delhi, 1920–60
Raturi M. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. Informa UK Limited. 2024.

Editorial: New insights in leprosy (Hansen's disease)
Vernal S, Gomes CM. Frontiers in Medicine. Frontiers Media SA. 2024.

Beyond Stigma: Understanding Associative Interactions Among Ex-Leprosy Patients In Sumberglagah Village, Mojokerto Regency
Anggoro B. R. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Research. 2024; 5 (2) : 12-16.

Educational Approach of Leprosy in Primary School Students: An Approach to Social Stigma Reduction
Menaldi S. L. S. W, Menaldi A. The International Academic Forum. 2024.

Relationship between Leprosy Suspicion Questionnaire with IgM anti-PGL-1 antibody levels in household contacts of leprosy
Sy M. F, Lubis R. D, Nadeak K. Bali Medical Journal. 2024; 13 (1) : 699-703.

Analysing the problem of finding new cases of Grade 2 Disabled Leprosy
Mahendra M. A, Hendrati L. Y. Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research. 2024; 6 (1) : 151-158.

[Leprosy epidemiology in Daoukro health district (Côte d'Ivoire) from 1999 to 2017].
Tetchi E, Konan Y, Kpebo D, et al. Medecine tropicale et sante internationale. 2023; 3 (4) : 1-7.

Incidência de casos de hanseníase no estado do Mato Grosso no período de 2012 e 2021
Milani AJ, Serra GNC, De Aquino GT, et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 7 (1) : 4497-4506.

Perfil epidemiológico dos casos de hanseníase em Alagoas no período de 2016-2022
De Araújo MGC, Lima YF, Carvalho ACS, et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 7 (1) : 5451-5460.

Polimorfismos nos genes CCDC122-LACC1 e IL23R e a hanseníase
Freitas HDA, Silva LDA. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 7 (1) : 543-553.

Fatores que dificultam o diagnóstico da hanseníase nas perspectivas dos profissionais da saúde da estratégia da saúde da família em unidades básicas de saúde em Imperatriz - MA
Wanderley DDSP, Cruz LFCD, Martins HSDS, et al. Revista de APS. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. 2024.

A capacitação da equipe de saúde junto a população na identificação da hanseníase: Uma revisão integrativa
Camporez ALB, Souza GMPD, Oliveira GRS, et al. Research, Society and Development. Research, Society and Development. 2024; 13 (2) : 1-10.

Hanseníase no brasil: desafios e avanços na prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento.
Bif SM, Braga BW, Viana JDC, et al. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences. 2024; 6 (1) : 418-437.

Detecção de casos e educação em saúde relacionada à hanseníase em uma região endêmica: um relato de experiência
Takenami IO, Palácio MAV, Cecon RS, et al. Revista de APS. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. 2024.

Perfil epidemiológico dos casos de hanseníase em Minas Gerais: estudo ecológico de série temporal
Sousa Junior N, de Oliveira Silva L. F, Oliveira L. A., et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. 2024; 7 (1) : 3281-3291.

Bioarchaeological investigation of individuals with suspected multibacillary leprosy from the mediaeval of St Mary Magdalen, Winchester, Hampshire, UK.
Taylor MG, White-Iribhogbe K, Cole G, et al. Journal of medical microbiology. 2024.

Different profiles of chemokines, cytokines and cell growth factors in plasma samples from patients with leprosy, leprosy reactions and households contacts.
de Carvalho J, Pascoal-Xavier M, Araújo M, et al. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 2024.

The PEP++ study protocol: a cluster-randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of an enhanced regimen of post-exposure prophylaxis for close contacts of persons affected by leprosy to prevent disease transmission.
Hinders D, Taal A, Lisam S, et al. BMC infectious diseases. 2024; 24 (1) : 1-10.

Eyebrow trichoscopy in leprosy.
Ramos-Cavazos C, Villarreal-Martinez A, Ocampo-Candiani J, et al. International journal of dermatology. 2024.

Leprosy mimicking autoimmune diseases: a case series.
Aride D, Dalmaso B, Moulin A, et al. Clinical and experimental rheumatology. 2024.

Clinico-Epidemiological Trends of Leprosy at a Tertiary Care Centre of South Rajasthan: A 10-Year Retrospective Study.
Masatkar V, Meena M, Makhija R, et al. Indian journal of dermatology. 2023.

Evaluation of Clinical, Hormonal and Ultrasound Parameters of Male Reproductive System in Leprosy: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Hegde M, Kanathur S, Shanmukhappa A, et al. Indian journal of dermatology. 2023; 68 (6) : 1-6.

A Cross-Sectional Study to Evaluate the Alteration of Cytokine Expression and Activation of Inflammatory Pathway in Response to NOD1 and NOD2 Signal in Leprosy.
Reja A, De A, Chakraborty D, et al. Indian journal of dermatology. 2023; 68 (6) : 1-7.

Current Leprosy Burden: India Should Lead the Way
Mukhida S, Das P, Kannuri S, et al. Indian Journal of Leprosy. Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh. 2023; 95 (4) : 311-313.

Leprosy in North India in Post-Elimination Era: A Retrospective Study
Hazarika N, Bhatia R, Divyalakshmi C. Journal of Medical Evidence. Medknow. 2024.

The Leprosy Care Cadre Tracking (Kader Tangguh Peduli Lepra: KETAPEL) Model with Social Learning Theory Approach Increases the Leprosy New Case Detection
Kurniadi , Rahman T, Hasbi M. Indian Journal of Leprosy. Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh. 2023; 95 (4) : 283-293.

Concordance of Acid-Fast Stain Result and Histopathologic vs Clinical Diagnosis of Leprosy: A Three-year Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Government Hospital and Sanitarium in the Philippines
Gochoco J. B. B, Bernales-Mendoza A. M. Acta Medica Philippina. University of the Philippines Manila. 2024.

Overview of Leprosy Reactions at Universitas Sumatera Utara Medical Faculty Hospitals between 2017 and 2021
Lubis RD, Yosi A. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI. 2024; 12 (1) : 116-121.

(In)sufficient institutionalization? Norm articulation in the World Health Organization and infectious disease prevalence across the global South
Shorette K, Phillips NE. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. SAGE Publications. 2024.

Neglected Disease Research and Development: The Higher Cost of Lower Funding
G-Finder , Policy Cures Research. . 2024.

A importância do diagnóstico precoce da Hanseníase na população pediátrica no Brasil
Fernandes B. de A, Pereira G. L, Maia I. D. W, et al. Cuadernos de Educación. 2024.

Leprosy treatment abandonment rate and associated factors in Mato Grosso
Triches A, Auzani MEDO, Calmon MFBF, et al. Revista Foco. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 17 (2) : 1-11.

Aspectos epidemiológicos da hanseníase no município de Serra Talhada – Pernambuco, 2018 a 2022
Muniz JT, Beserra RSS, Bezerra YBDS, et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 7 (1) : 5186-5197.

Casos de Hanseníase Notificados em Menores de 15 Anos em Bacabal-MA
Sousa T. J. S, Andrade R. H. L, da Silva M. B. P, et al. Inova Saúde. 2024; 14 (4) : 71-88.

Panorama da Hanseníase no Brasil entre os anos 2016 e 2020
De Mendonça Neta LC, Araújo VADCG, Alvino HDS, et al. Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024.

Incapacidade física na Hanseníase: análise dos casos avaliados em um estado no nordeste brasileiro de 2013 a 2022
Fernandes MHR, Barbosa BF, Gonçalves SFM, et al. Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024.

Strategi dinas sosial dalam meningkatkan penerimaan masyarakat bagi penderita eks kusta
Novitasari J, Kasiami S, Taufiq A. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara. 2024; 8 (1) : 98-108.

Case Reports

Neural leprosy investigation using electroneuromyography and the ML Flow rapid test: a case report.
Neto R, Dorilêo G, Mendonça A, et al. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. 2024.

Sequential occurrence of upgrading and downgrading type 1 leprosy reactions: A case report.
Sharath S, Sinha S, Sardana K, et al. Tropical doctor. 2024.

Case Report: Type 2 Leprosy Reaction Mimicking Sweet Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review.
Bao C, Xu Q, Zou Y, et al. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2024.

Lepromatous leprosy infection from Mycobacterium lepromatosis without known risk factors or exposures in the Upper Midwest United States.
Fleischmann H, Sureshkumar N, Stratman E. JAAD case reports. 2024.

Morbihan disease-like presentation of tuberculoid leprosy.
Al-Omair A, Busair M, Sadhan A, et al. JAAD case reports. 2024.

Erythema nodosum leprosum (Type 2 Reaction) in a Patient with Hansen's Disease from a Tertiary care hospital in Jharkhand: A case report
Kumar H, Kumar S, Kumar Mahato S, et al. Biomed Pharmacol J. 2024.

Lucio Phenomenon: An Unusual Case of Skin Necrosis.
Rusia K, Saoji V, Madke B, et al. Case reports in dermatology. 2024; 16 (1) : 47-54.

Hanseníase em paciente com Doença de Crohn em uso de anti-TNF: relato de caso
da Costa Castro T. B. , dos Santos Pinto A, Guerra Júnior A. de H. , et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. 2024; 7 (1) : 2121-2134.

News & Events

Call for nominations WHO/NTD for New members of the Working Group on Monitoring, Evaluation and Research, 2024–2026

The WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Neglected Tropical Diseases (STAG-NTD) Working Group on Monitoring, Evaluation and Research that supports the WHO Global Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme (WHO/NTD) to implement the M&E framework related to the roadmap have issued a call for nominations for new members. Deadline to apply is March 12, 2024.

Climate Impacts Awards

Wellcome Foundation has launched its 2024 Climate Impact Awards. They will prioritise funding for research that involves and serves the needs of communities most impacted by the health effects of climate change, and advances stories and narratives that tend to be absent in the media or underrepresented in public discourse. Application deadline is the 3rd of April, 2024. 

African Research Leaders – UKRI

The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is calling for applicating for funding to support exceptional early to mid-career African researchers to conduct excellent global health research across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). UKRI aims to attract and retain exceptionally talented 'rising star' individuals who will lead high quality research on key global health issues pertinent to SSA. Awards will provide support for up to five years and the requested amount should not exceed £750,000 in total. The deadline to apply is the 24th of April, 2024.

Sir Rickard Christophers Medal
The Sir Rickard Christophers Medal is to recognise outstanding work in tropical medicine and hygiene, and evidence of practical and field applications. The Medal is now open for applications and nominations. The deadline to enter is 10th of March, 2024 at 17:00 (BST).

Become a GLODERM Mentee

The Mentorship Programme aims to strengthen Mentorship in global health dermatology and increase access to educational opportunities in resource-limited settings worldwide by:

  • Delivering a unique one-on-one mentorship programme.
  • Delivering free, high quality dermatology training content for trainees worldwide.

The Mentorship Programme is a year long one-on-one Mentoring Programme that connects mentee applicants from low-resource settings with global health dermatology experts from around the world.


Wellesley Bailey Awards 2024

The Wellesley Bailey Awards honour those who have made extraordinary contributions to society by overcoming the social stigma and physical challenges of leprosy. At a special gala event in New Delhi in November, two individuals will receive the Wellesley Bailey Award in recognition of their extraordinary contributions. Each Award includes a cash prize of £1,000, a citation giving the reasons for the Award, and a presentation plaque.
Nomination deadline is April 1, 2024.

RSTMH Early Career Grants

The RSTMH Early Career Grants aims to encourage and support the next generation of tropical medicine and global health professionals by providing their first research grant. The maximum RSTMH Early Career Grant award is £5,000. The Project should take up to one year to be completed and should start within 3 months of receiving funding. The projects can be on any topic related to tropical medicine and global health, from across the research spectrum for example: lab, translation, implementation, and policy. Application Deadline is April 22, 2024 at 12 pm (BST).

Wellcome Discovery Awards

The Wellcome Discovery Awards scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. Application deadline is the 16th of April, 2024.

Wellcome Career Development Awards

The Wellcome Career Development scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. Application deadline is the 11th of April, 2024 at 17:00 (BST).

Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2024
October 7-9, 2024, Nairobi; Kenya.

The 1st edition of the Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases, organized by AME is tentatively scheduled from 7-9 October in Nairobi, Kenya, as a hybrid meeting. The abstract-driven conference proposes a platform to disseminate new advancements, real-world data, implementation challenges, and novel governing models to discuss and generate solutions for cross-cutting topics and ultimately reduce the disease burden and societal impact of NTDs. This proposal supports the progress in foundational pillars of the WHO Roadmap by facilitating evidence-based program implementation, leveraging the cross-cutting approach, and providing a forum to discuss a paradigm shift toward country ownership of elimination programs.

Chalmers Medal
Applications and nominations for the Chalmers Medal is now open. The Chalmers Medal recognises researchers in tropical medicine or global health who demonstrate evidence of mentoring and professional development of junior investigators, and other forms of capacity building. Deadline to enter is the 22nd of March, 2024; 17:00 GMT.

ESCMID Postgraduate Course - Leprosy: back to the future.
May 20-22, 2024, Bergen, Norway.

ESCMID and ILEP have co-organized Leprosy: back to the future, a 3-day postgraduate training program in Bergen, Norway. The program focuses on medical aspects of leprosy so it is designed mostly for medical practitioners who would benefit from learning or updating on current issues in leprosy, especially new approaches to prevention and discussions about 'Zero Leprosy'. However it may also be of interest to program administrators or managers who are already familiar with leprosy. The registration deadline for general attendance is April 22, 2024.

Sasakawa Health Foundation: Call for Grant Proposals for Hansen's Disease

The Sasakawa Health Foundation has opened a call for grant proposals that focus on one or all of three areas: tackling disease, fighting discrimination, and preserving history. The application period for projects starting in September 2024 is March 11 - April 12, 2024.


Info Hansen - A innovative hub for knowledge sharing about Hansen's Disease

ALLF - Official website of the Association des Léprologues de Langue Française

LML - Leprosy Mailing List - a free moderated email list that allows all persons interested in leprosy to share ideas, information, experiences and questions

InfoNTD - Information on cross-cutting issues in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

ILEP newsletter archive

GPZL newsletter subscription

WHO Goodwill Ambassador's Leprosy Bulletin

Leprosy Review

Leprosy Review Repository (1928-2001)

Fontilles Revista de Leprología

Indian Journal of Leprosy

Hansenologia Internationalis

HARP - database of Hansen's Disease Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles

GDPR & the Infolep newsletter

New EU data protection regulations came into force on 25 May 2018. We have been reviewing our practices with regards to the GDPR, including our
privacy statement and mailing list.

Infolep sends out monthly e-mails with an overview of recent publications on leprosy and related issues. The purpose of this activity is to keep subscribers up to date.

Infolep will only process the data we have (names, email addresses) for the purpose of sending you the newsletter. We take your security seriously and will never share your contact details with anyone else.

You can
update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list at any time.



LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<

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From: Leprosy Mailing List <>
Sent: 19 March 2024 16:46
To: Leprosy Mailing List <>
Subject: Ref.: (LML) Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. March, 2024



Leprosy Mailing List – March 19,  2024


Ref.:  (LML) Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. March, 2024

From:  Roos Geutjes & Josephine Breman-Srivastava, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Dear colleagues, 

The NTD Inclusion Score Card (NISC) tool software has been updated, and an Action Plan Tool Kit (APTK) has been developed that comprises references with guides, tools, and recommendations for addressing identified gaps in inclusion. It is available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Hindi.
The date and location of the 2024 Annual NNN Conference has been announced. The conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from the 1st to the the 3rd of October, 2024.  Make sure to mark your calendars. We will keep you updated on Twitter and the Newsletter when more information is available. Make sure to keep an eye on the News& Events section in future Newsletter editions.

Warm regards,

Roos Geutjes & Josephine Breman-Srivastava

Practical Materials

Role of Change Agents in Supporting Persons Affected by Leprosy (Webinar in Hindi)
NLR India . 2024.

SBC Learning Center (Online E-learning platform)
Breakthrough Action: For social & behavior change . n.d.

Participation and inclusion - Practical lessons from REDRESS (Podcast)
SCL Agency . Connecting Citizens To Science. 2023.

World Leprosy Day: 'Ending Stigma, Embracing Dignity' (Webinar recording)
the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH) . 2024.

NISC software &  Action Plan Toolkit

Have you conducted the NISC assessment? Need more ideas on how to further improve on the gaps in inclusion you have identified? 

Look no further! The Action Plan Tool Kit (APTK) is here!!! 

It comprises 36 references to established guides, tools, and recommended procedures for addressing identified gaps in inclusion. While extending beyond the NTD field, these resources can be customized to tackle issues within NTD organizations related to the inclusion and meaningful participation of individuals affected by NTDs. Consequently, it functions as a valuable resource for implementing tangible and effective actions toward inclusion across the 7 NISC domains, offering insights into best practices, strategies, and ideas. The APTK can be accessed via within each language-specific folder.

Additionally, the NISC software has been updated. Make sure to download the most recent version via

Highlighted Publications

Leprosy and its climate dimension
Goswami S, Yadavar S, Sarah N, et al. The Leprosy Mission Trust India. 2024.

Development of an integrated and decentralised skin health strategy to improve experiences of skin neglected tropical diseases and other skin conditions in Atwima Mponua District, Ghana
Phillips RO, Owusu L, Koka E, et al. PLOS Global Public Health. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 4 (1) : 1-16.

Applying Geospatial Methods in Leprosy: Prevention and Control
Taal AT. University Medical Center Rotterdam. Erasmus University Rotterdam. 2023.

Improving Early Detection of Leprosy in Indonesia: Establishing case detection delay and associated factors.
Dharmawan Y. Erasmus University Rotterdam. 2023.

New publications

Feel free to contact us to receive full-text versions if these cannot be found through the Infolep portal.

Reactions in leprosy
Grijsen M. L, Naafs B. Community Skin Health. IFD. 2023; 19 (2) : 20-25.

Community based integrated wound care: Results of a pilot formative research conducted in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa
Wadagni ACA, Yao TAK, Diez G, et al. PLOS Global Public Health. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 4 (2) : 1-20.

Spatiotemporal pattern of leprosy in southwest China from 2010 to 2020: an ecological study.
Zhang M, Qiao L, Sun P, et al. BMC public health. 2024; 24 (1) : 1-14.

Clofazimine-induced cutaneous hyperpigmentation as a source of stigma in the treatment of leprosy: A cross-sectional study.
Nogueira A, Garcia M, da Silva M, et al. Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH. 2024.

Eradication of leprosy from India: Reflections on past, present & future.
Katoch V. The Indian journal of medical research. 2024.

Leprosy: treatment, prevention, immune response and gene function
Li X, Ma Y, Li G, et al. Frontiers in Immunology. Frontiers Media SA. 2024.

High-Resolution Ultrasound in Evaluation of Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients of Hansen's Disease
Rai T, Singh M. A, Indal M, et al. Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 2024.

Training and Active Case Detection to Prevent Leprosy: Effect on Knowledge, Attitude and Skills of Health Workers on Early Diagnosis of Leprosy in a Leprosy Hotspot District in Ethiopia
Mamo E, Tsehay D, Hassen S, et al. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. MDPI AG. 2024; 9 (3) : 1-12.

Dutch Colonial Medicine and Empire Building in the Tropics: The Cases of Leprosy and Drug Use in the Dutch East and West Indies Compared
Snelders S. Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Modern History. Springer International Publishing. 2024.

The 'Migrant-Leper' as the Undeserving Outsider: Historicising Leprosy Policy in Delhi, 1920–60
Raturi M. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. Informa UK Limited. 2024.

Editorial: New insights in leprosy (Hansen's disease)
Vernal S, Gomes CM. Frontiers in Medicine. Frontiers Media SA. 2024.

Beyond Stigma: Understanding Associative Interactions Among Ex-Leprosy Patients In Sumberglagah Village, Mojokerto Regency
Anggoro B. R. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Research. 2024; 5 (2) : 12-16.

Educational Approach of Leprosy in Primary School Students: An Approach to Social Stigma Reduction
Menaldi S. L. S. W, Menaldi A. The International Academic Forum. 2024.

Relationship between Leprosy Suspicion Questionnaire with IgM anti-PGL-1 antibody levels in household contacts of leprosy
Sy M. F, Lubis R. D, Nadeak K. Bali Medical Journal. 2024; 13 (1) : 699-703.

Analysing the problem of finding new cases of Grade 2 Disabled Leprosy
Mahendra M. A, Hendrati L. Y. Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research. 2024; 6 (1) : 151-158.

[Leprosy epidemiology in Daoukro health district (Côte d'Ivoire) from 1999 to 2017].
Tetchi E, Konan Y, Kpebo D, et al. Medecine tropicale et sante internationale. 2023; 3 (4) : 1-7.

Incidência de casos de hanseníase no estado do Mato Grosso no período de 2012 e 2021
Milani AJ, Serra GNC, De Aquino GT, et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 7 (1) : 4497-4506.

Perfil epidemiológico dos casos de hanseníase em Alagoas no período de 2016-2022
De Araújo MGC, Lima YF, Carvalho ACS, et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 7 (1) : 5451-5460.

Polimorfismos nos genes CCDC122-LACC1 e IL23R e a hanseníase
Freitas HDA, Silva LDA. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 7 (1) : 543-553.

Fatores que dificultam o diagnóstico da hanseníase nas perspectivas dos profissionais da saúde da estratégia da saúde da família em unidades básicas de saúde em Imperatriz - MA
Wanderley DDSP, Cruz LFCD, Martins HSDS, et al. Revista de APS. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. 2024.

A capacitação da equipe de saúde junto a população na identificação da hanseníase: Uma revisão integrativa
Camporez ALB, Souza GMPD, Oliveira GRS, et al. Research, Society and Development. Research, Society and Development. 2024; 13 (2) : 1-10.

Hanseníase no brasil: desafios e avanços na prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento.
Bif SM, Braga BW, Viana JDC, et al. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences. 2024; 6 (1) : 418-437.

Detecção de casos e educação em saúde relacionada à hanseníase em uma região endêmica: um relato de experiência
Takenami IO, Palácio MAV, Cecon RS, et al. Revista de APS. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. 2024.

Perfil epidemiológico dos casos de hanseníase em Minas Gerais: estudo ecológico de série temporal
Sousa Junior N, de Oliveira Silva L. F, Oliveira L. A., et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. 2024; 7 (1) : 3281-3291.

Bioarchaeological investigation of individuals with suspected multibacillary leprosy from the mediaeval of St Mary Magdalen, Winchester, Hampshire, UK.
Taylor MG, White-Iribhogbe K, Cole G, et al. Journal of medical microbiology. 2024.

Different profiles of chemokines, cytokines and cell growth factors in plasma samples from patients with leprosy, leprosy reactions and households contacts.
de Carvalho J, Pascoal-Xavier M, Araújo M, et al. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 2024.

The PEP++ study protocol: a cluster-randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of an enhanced regimen of post-exposure prophylaxis for close contacts of persons affected by leprosy to prevent disease transmission.
Hinders D, Taal A, Lisam S, et al. BMC infectious diseases. 2024; 24 (1) : 1-10.

Eyebrow trichoscopy in leprosy.
Ramos-Cavazos C, Villarreal-Martinez A, Ocampo-Candiani J, et al. International journal of dermatology. 2024.

Leprosy mimicking autoimmune diseases: a case series.
Aride D, Dalmaso B, Moulin A, et al. Clinical and experimental rheumatology. 2024.

Clinico-Epidemiological Trends of Leprosy at a Tertiary Care Centre of South Rajasthan: A 10-Year Retrospective Study.
Masatkar V, Meena M, Makhija R, et al. Indian journal of dermatology. 2023.

Evaluation of Clinical, Hormonal and Ultrasound Parameters of Male Reproductive System in Leprosy: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Hegde M, Kanathur S, Shanmukhappa A, et al. Indian journal of dermatology. 2023; 68 (6) : 1-6.

A Cross-Sectional Study to Evaluate the Alteration of Cytokine Expression and Activation of Inflammatory Pathway in Response to NOD1 and NOD2 Signal in Leprosy.
Reja A, De A, Chakraborty D, et al. Indian journal of dermatology. 2023; 68 (6) : 1-7.

Current Leprosy Burden: India Should Lead the Way
Mukhida S, Das P, Kannuri S, et al. Indian Journal of Leprosy. Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh. 2023; 95 (4) : 311-313.

Leprosy in North India in Post-Elimination Era: A Retrospective Study
Hazarika N, Bhatia R, Divyalakshmi C. Journal of Medical Evidence. Medknow. 2024.

The Leprosy Care Cadre Tracking (Kader Tangguh Peduli Lepra: KETAPEL) Model with Social Learning Theory Approach Increases the Leprosy New Case Detection
Kurniadi , Rahman T, Hasbi M. Indian Journal of Leprosy. Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh. 2023; 95 (4) : 283-293.

Concordance of Acid-Fast Stain Result and Histopathologic vs Clinical Diagnosis of Leprosy: A Three-year Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Government Hospital and Sanitarium in the Philippines
Gochoco J. B. B, Bernales-Mendoza A. M. Acta Medica Philippina. University of the Philippines Manila. 2024.

Overview of Leprosy Reactions at Universitas Sumatera Utara Medical Faculty Hospitals between 2017 and 2021
Lubis RD, Yosi A. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI. 2024; 12 (1) : 116-121.

(In)sufficient institutionalization? Norm articulation in the World Health Organization and infectious disease prevalence across the global South
Shorette K, Phillips NE. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. SAGE Publications. 2024.

Neglected Disease Research and Development: The Higher Cost of Lower Funding
G-Finder , Policy Cures Research. . 2024.

A importância do diagnóstico precoce da Hanseníase na população pediátrica no Brasil
Fernandes B. de A, Pereira G. L, Maia I. D. W, et al. Cuadernos de Educación. 2024.

Leprosy treatment abandonment rate and associated factors in Mato Grosso
Triches A, Auzani MEDO, Calmon MFBF, et al. Revista Foco. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 17 (2) : 1-11.

Aspectos epidemiológicos da hanseníase no município de Serra Talhada – Pernambuco, 2018 a 2022
Muniz JT, Beserra RSS, Bezerra YBDS, et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 7 (1) : 5186-5197.

Casos de Hanseníase Notificados em Menores de 15 Anos em Bacabal-MA
Sousa T. J. S, Andrade R. H. L, da Silva M. B. P, et al. Inova Saúde. 2024; 14 (4) : 71-88.

Panorama da Hanseníase no Brasil entre os anos 2016 e 2020
De Mendonça Neta LC, Araújo VADCG, Alvino HDS, et al. Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024.

Incapacidade física na Hanseníase: análise dos casos avaliados em um estado no nordeste brasileiro de 2013 a 2022
Fernandes MHR, Barbosa BF, Gonçalves SFM, et al. Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024.

Strategi dinas sosial dalam meningkatkan penerimaan masyarakat bagi penderita eks kusta
Novitasari J, Kasiami S, Taufiq A. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara. 2024; 8 (1) : 98-108.

Case Reports

Neural leprosy investigation using electroneuromyography and the ML Flow rapid test: a case report.
Neto R, Dorilêo G, Mendonça A, et al. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. 2024.

Sequential occurrence of upgrading and downgrading type 1 leprosy reactions: A case report.
Sharath S, Sinha S, Sardana K, et al. Tropical doctor. 2024.

Case Report: Type 2 Leprosy Reaction Mimicking Sweet Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review.
Bao C, Xu Q, Zou Y, et al. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2024.

Lepromatous leprosy infection from Mycobacterium lepromatosis without known risk factors or exposures in the Upper Midwest United States.
Fleischmann H, Sureshkumar N, Stratman E. JAAD case reports. 2024.

Morbihan disease-like presentation of tuberculoid leprosy.
Al-Omair A, Busair M, Sadhan A, et al. JAAD case reports. 2024.

Erythema nodosum leprosum (Type 2 Reaction) in a Patient with Hansen's Disease from a Tertiary care hospital in Jharkhand: A case report
Kumar H, Kumar S, Kumar Mahato S, et al. Biomed Pharmacol J. 2024.

Lucio Phenomenon: An Unusual Case of Skin Necrosis.
Rusia K, Saoji V, Madke B, et al. Case reports in dermatology. 2024; 16 (1) : 47-54.

Hanseníase em paciente com Doença de Crohn em uso de anti-TNF: relato de caso
da Costa Castro T. B. , dos Santos Pinto A, Guerra Júnior A. de H. , et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. 2024; 7 (1) : 2121-2134.

News & Events

Call for nominations WHO/NTD for New members of the Working Group on Monitoring, Evaluation and Research, 2024–2026

The WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Neglected Tropical Diseases (STAG-NTD) Working Group on Monitoring, Evaluation and Research that supports the WHO Global Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme (WHO/NTD) to implement the M&E framework related to the roadmap have issued a call for nominations for new members. Deadline to apply is March 12, 2024.

Climate Impacts Awards

Wellcome Foundation has launched its 2024 Climate Impact Awards. They will prioritise funding for research that involves and serves the needs of communities most impacted by the health effects of climate change, and advances stories and narratives that tend to be absent in the media or underrepresented in public discourse. Application deadline is the 3rd of April, 2024. 

African Research Leaders – UKRI

The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is calling for applicating for funding to support exceptional early to mid-career African researchers to conduct excellent global health research across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). UKRI aims to attract and retain exceptionally talented 'rising star' individuals who will lead high quality research on key global health issues pertinent to SSA. Awards will provide support for up to five years and the requested amount should not exceed £750,000 in total. The deadline to apply is the 24th of April, 2024.

Sir Rickard Christophers Medal
The Sir Rickard Christophers Medal is to recognise outstanding work in tropical medicine and hygiene, and evidence of practical and field applications. The Medal is now open for applications and nominations. The deadline to enter is 10th of March, 2024 at 17:00 (BST).

Become a GLODERM Mentee

The Mentorship Programme aims to strengthen Mentorship in global health dermatology and increase access to educational opportunities in resource-limited settings worldwide by:

  • Delivering a unique one-on-one mentorship programme.
  • Delivering free, high quality dermatology training content for trainees worldwide.

The Mentorship Programme is a year long one-on-one Mentoring Programme that connects mentee applicants from low-resource settings with global health dermatology experts from around the world.


Wellesley Bailey Awards 2024

The Wellesley Bailey Awards honour those who have made extraordinary contributions to society by overcoming the social stigma and physical challenges of leprosy. At a special gala event in New Delhi in November, two individuals will receive the Wellesley Bailey Award in recognition of their extraordinary contributions. Each Award includes a cash prize of £1,000, a citation giving the reasons for the Award, and a presentation plaque.
Nomination deadline is April 1, 2024.

RSTMH Early Career Grants

The RSTMH Early Career Grants aims to encourage and support the next generation of tropical medicine and global health professionals by providing their first research grant. The maximum RSTMH Early Career Grant award is £5,000. The Project should take up to one year to be completed and should start within 3 months of receiving funding. The projects can be on any topic related to tropical medicine and global health, from across the research spectrum for example: lab, translation, implementation, and policy. Application Deadline is April 22, 2024 at 12 pm (BST).

Wellcome Discovery Awards

The Wellcome Discovery Awards scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. Application deadline is the 16th of April, 2024.

Wellcome Career Development Awards

The Wellcome Career Development scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. Application deadline is the 11th of April, 2024 at 17:00 (BST).

Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2024
October 7-9, 2024, Nairobi; Kenya.

The 1st edition of the Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases, organized by AME is tentatively scheduled from 7-9 October in Nairobi, Kenya, as a hybrid meeting. The abstract-driven conference proposes a platform to disseminate new advancements, real-world data, implementation challenges, and novel governing models to discuss and generate solutions for cross-cutting topics and ultimately reduce the disease burden and societal impact of NTDs. This proposal supports the progress in foundational pillars of the WHO Roadmap by facilitating evidence-based program implementation, leveraging the cross-cutting approach, and providing a forum to discuss a paradigm shift toward country ownership of elimination programs.

Chalmers Medal
Applications and nominations for the Chalmers Medal is now open. The Chalmers Medal recognises researchers in tropical medicine or global health who demonstrate evidence of mentoring and professional development of junior investigators, and other forms of capacity building. Deadline to enter is the 22nd of March, 2024; 17:00 GMT.

ESCMID Postgraduate Course - Leprosy: back to the future.
May 20-22, 2024, Bergen, Norway.

ESCMID and ILEP have co-organized Leprosy: back to the future, a 3-day postgraduate training program in Bergen, Norway. The program focuses on medical aspects of leprosy so it is designed mostly for medical practitioners who would benefit from learning or updating on current issues in leprosy, especially new approaches to prevention and discussions about 'Zero Leprosy'. However it may also be of interest to program administrators or managers who are already familiar with leprosy. The registration deadline for general attendance is April 22, 2024.

Sasakawa Health Foundation: Call for Grant Proposals for Hansen's Disease

The Sasakawa Health Foundation has opened a call for grant proposals that focus on one or all of three areas: tackling disease, fighting discrimination, and preserving history. The application period for projects starting in September 2024 is March 11 - April 12, 2024.


Info Hansen - A innovative hub for knowledge sharing about Hansen's Disease

ALLF - Official website of the Association des Léprologues de Langue Française

LML - Leprosy Mailing List - a free moderated email list that allows all persons interested in leprosy to share ideas, information, experiences and questions

InfoNTD - Information on cross-cutting issues in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

ILEP newsletter archive

GPZL newsletter subscription

WHO Goodwill Ambassador's Leprosy Bulletin

Leprosy Review

Leprosy Review Repository (1928-2001)

Fontilles Revista de Leprología

Indian Journal of Leprosy

Hansenologia Internationalis

HARP - database of Hansen's Disease Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles

GDPR & the Infolep newsletter

New EU data protection regulations came into force on 25 May 2018. We have been reviewing our practices with regards to the GDPR, including our
privacy statement and mailing list.

Infolep sends out monthly e-mails with an overview of recent publications on leprosy and related issues. The purpose of this activity is to keep subscribers up to date.

Infolep will only process the data we have (names, email addresses) for the purpose of sending you the newsletter. We take your security seriously and will never share your contact details with anyone else.

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LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

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