
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Fw: Ref.: (LML) Leprosy Research Initiative


Leprosy Mailing List –  July 13,  2024


Ref.:  (LML) Leprosy Research Initiative

From:  LRI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Note editor: we could only copy part of the LRI letter. For more information you could contact LRI directly. Sorry for that.

Dear colleagues,


In this communication, we are pleased to share the recording of the 'Highlights of LRI Spring Meeting' online event and LRI's Annual Report for 2023. We are also excited to announce the focus call topic for the LRI Regular Grant for research projects commencing in 2026, along with our other available calls for proposals. Lastly, we have several LRI committee vacancies (expression of interest by July 14th) and consultants for the external evaluation 2019-2023 (by July 28th).

Annual Report 2023

We are thrilled to share LRI's Annual Report for 2023, marking a significant milestone—our 10th anniversary! Since LRI's inception in 2013, we have been dedicated to promoting, facilitating, and funding high-quality leprosy research with a vision of a world free of leprosy. This year's report highlights our continued commitment and progress in the fight against leprosy with highlights such as supporting global research, strengthening research capacity, launching a new grant and assessing our research funding impact
Reflecting on the past decade, we are proud of the strides we have made in leprosy research and the collaborative spirit that has driven our successes. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all researchers, partners, and stakeholders who have contributed to our mission.
Join us in celebrating our achievements and explore our work further in
 the full 2023 Annual Report

Focus call topic for LRI Regular grant & other calls for proposals


As every year, the LRI calls for proposals will be launched at the beginning of December. We would like to inform you about the upcoming calls:

  • For research projects commencing in 2026 under the LRI Regular Grant, applications within any of the LRI research priority areas are welcome, with preference given to applications focusing on reactions and nerve function impairment.
  • The RESILIENTD Grant, in collaboration with Anesvad Foundation, will open for a new round of applications. This grant focuses on the social determinants of health within the context of skin NTDs, including leprosy, with an emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The Research Capacity Strengthening Grant will also return after its successful debut last year. This grant aims to fund innovative short projects led by early-career researchers. With a more compact review period, awarded projects will commence in the second half of 2025.

Details of the calls, including eligibility criteria and the application and review timeline, will be available in early December. We will notify you of the submission deadlines, but we hope this announcement aids to better prepare for the upcoming calls. We look forward to receiving strong research proposals with high potential for positive impact.

Vacancies Committees

We are advertising several vacancies as the terms of service for some of our dedicated committee members are ending.

Steering Committee Chair: The Steering Committee provides scientific guidance to LRI. The SC consists of researcher representatives from the Full Partners of LRI and is led by an independent Chair.

Scientific Review Committee Members: The quality and progress of LRI-funded research projects are assessed by an independent Scientific Review Committee. We are seeking:

  • Rehabilitation/Disability Specialist
  • Social Scientist

You can find more information and role criteria here.

Are you, or do you know someone, interested in and suitable for one of these committee roles to contribute to LRI's mission? We look forward to hearing from you at by July 14th latest.


LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<

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