
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Fw: Ref.: (LML) Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. December 2024

Leprosy Mailing List –  December 7,  2024


Ref.:  (LML) Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. December 2024

From:  Roos Geutjes and Upasana Regmi, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Dear colleagues,

NLR and LTR would like to invite you for their meeting on "Stopping transmission in Africa". Active case finding, contact tracing & PEP for leprosy prevention in African countries. This event provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the results and lessons learned in implementing and upscaling contact tracing and SDR-PEP for leprosy in Nigeria and Mozambique. Also, presentations are expected on the in-country experience from DRC, Ethiopia, Angola, and Ghana. Date: 9 December 2024. Time: 12-15 UTC | 13-16 UTC+1 | 14-17 UTC+2 | 15-18 UTC+3
You can register here

We are excited to present this month's curated highlights on leprosy. Here's what awaits you inside:

  • Highlighted Articles: Key research findings and reviews focus on different topics like stigma, the impact of COVID-19 on leprosy cases in Brazil, the economic burden of leprosy treatment in Ghana, and safety; acceptability; and feasibility study on SDR-PEP study in Togo..
  • New Publications: Recent studies addressing diagnosis delays, quality of life, and novel diagnostic tools for leprosy and neglected tropical diseases.
  • Case Reports: Unique and complex clinical cases providing insights into the diagnosis, management, and rare presentations of leprosy.
  • News and Events: Updates on global initiatives, conferences, and funding opportunities related to NTDs and leprosy elimination.

As always, we encourage you to explore the latest research and resources on Infolep and InfoNTD to stay informed and engaged.

Warm regards,

Roos Geutjes and Upasana Regmi

Highlighted Publications

Stigma in Leprosy Patients in the Community: A Systematic Review 
Kesumawardani N, Alfrisa B, Hanafi M, et al. International Journal of Public Health. 2024. 

Tackling the unseen consequences: The COVID-19 pandemic's impact on new paediatric leprosy cases in Brazil 
de Souza CDF, Santos JO, Matos TS, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (4): 1-12. 

Health related quality of life and associated factors among children living in previous leprosarium and nonleprosarium areas of Eastern Ethiopia. 
Desalew A, Adem S, Weldegebreal F, et al. Scientific reports. 2024; 14 (1): 1-11. 

The economic burden of leprosy treatment to households in Ghana: A cross-sectional study in the Volta Region of Ghana 
Dalaba MA, Manyeh AK, Immurana M, et al. SAGE Open Medicine. SAGE Publications. 2024. 

Measuring and Comparing Health System Delays in Leprosy Detection Based on the First Healthcare Service Visit in Tegal Regency, Indonesia 
Dharmawan Y, Mawarni A, Dharminto , et al. BIO Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences. 2024. 

Leprosy (Hansen's disease) in the 21st century: A human rights approach oriented by ethics of care 
United Nations Human Rights - Office of the High Commissioner. 2024. 

The Safety, Acceptability, and Feasibility of Single-Dose Rifampicin as Post-Exposure Chemoprophylaxis for Contacts of Leprosy Patients in Togo: A Mixed-Method Sequential Explanatory Study.  
Bakoubayi A, Haliba F, Zida-Compaore W, et al. Tropical medicine and infectious disease. 2024; 9 (11) : 1-12.  

Evaluating Advanced Machine Learning Models for Histopathological Diagnosis of Hansen Disease. 
Vargas-Clavijo M, Cardona-Castro N, Ospina-Gómez J, et al. The American Journal of dermatopathology. 2024 

New publications

Feel free to contact us to receive full-text versions if these cannot be found through the Infolep portal.

Challenges of delay in diagnosis and high disability rate among newly diagnosed leprosy patients in Karachi, Pakistan  
Murtaza A, Iqbal M, Salam A, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (4): 1-12.  

Risk factors for leprosy: a systematic review 
Pertiwi ANAM, Syahrul F. The Indonesian Journal of Public Health. 2024. 

Depression and Related Factors Among Patients Affected With Hansen's Disease at Sorokdo National Hospital During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 
Yang S, Chung E, Kweon S, et al. Asia-Pacific journal of public health. 2024. 

The Relationship between Community Knowledge and Attitudes towards Lepra Stigma in the Working Area of Malawei Public Health Center, Sorong City 
Fitriani , Loukaky L, Tyas L. Mulawarman Nursing Indonesia Journal. 2024. 

Rapid test for Mycobacterium leprae infection: a practical tool for leprosy 
Pierneef L, van Hooij A, de Jong D, et al. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024; 13 (1): 1-12. 

Shortening leprosy case detection delay: Narrowing the window of transmission and disease progression 
Hambridge T. Department of Public Health. Erasmus University Rotterdam. 2024. 

Two former leprosy patients leading social transformation. A qualitative study 
Jha K, Choudhary RK, Shrestha M. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (4): 1-15. 

Comparative analysis of the leprosy detection rate regarding its clinical spectrum through PCR using the gene: a scientometrics and meta-analysis. 
Silva M, Brasil T, Silva C, et al. Frontiers in microbiology. 2024. 

Care and support for persons affected by leprosy (Hansen's disease) and their family members from a human rights perspective 
Miranda-Galarza B, United Nations Human Rights - Office of the High Commissioner. 2021. 

Anti‑phenolic glycolipid‑I seropositivity among household contacts of leprosy patients in Egypt 

Salah EM, Khalil H, Moussa ME, et al. Archives of Dermatological Research. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024. 

Acid Fast Positivity Rate and Associated Factors of Leprosy in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Northeastern Ethiopia: Its Implication for Evidence‐Based Leprosy Prevention and Control Open More information configuration options 
Gedefie A, Shibabaw A, Mulatie Z, et al. Health Science Reports. Wiley. 2024; 7 (11): 1-10. 

Measuring and Comparing Health System Delays in Leprosy Detection Based on the First Healthcare Service Visit in Tegal Regency, Indonesia 
Dharmawan Y, Mawarni A, Dharminto , et al. BIO Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences. 2024. 

Leprosy: Evidence supporting safe diagnosis and monitoring of contacts 
Ferreira SMB, da Silva FV, Oliveira JSRD, et al. World Evidence-based Healthcare Day. 2024. 

Impact of histopathological and serological assessments on early diagnosis of leprosy relapse. 
Dornelas B, da Costa W, de Abreu J, et al. APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica. 2024. 

Comprehensive pan-genome analysis of Mycobacterium marinum: insights into genomic diversity, evolution, and pathogenicity. 
Zhang M, Adroub S, Ummels R, et al. Scientific reports. 2024; 14 (1): 1-12. 

Scleromalacia perforans: a rare and sight-threatening complication of chronic erythema nodosum leprosum 
Malhi K, Hanumanthu V, Singh S, et al. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Oxford University Press (OUP). 2024. 

The Neurological Impact of Leprosy: Manifestations and Treatment Approaches 
Calderone A, Aloisi M, Casella C, et al. Neurology International. 2024. 

Mycobacterium w - a promising immunotherapeutic intervention for diseases 
Stefan K, Gordon R, Rolig A, et al. Frontiers in immunology. 2024. 

Contribuições dos estudos sobre trauma psicossocial para a reparação das mulheres e meninas vítimas da política de hanseníase do brasil do século xx 
Lamas AC, Tonell C, Peruzzo P. Revista de Direito Socioambiental. 2024. 

Eficiência da atenção básica no rastreamento da hanseníase: um relato de experiência 
Silva ACG, Souza LS, Silva GP, et al. Enfermagem em Foco: educação, competências e práticas avançadas - Volume 2. Editora Científica Digital. 2024. 

O perfil epidemiológico das internações por hanseníase no Brasil de 2018 a 2023 
Mohamed YI, Vieira VC, Marques DF. Research, Society and Development. Research, Society and Development. 2024; 13 (11): 1-10. 

Editor's Highlights - December 2024 
Kemény L. International journal of dermatology. 2024. 

A study to assess the knowledge, attitude and belief of society towards leprosy patients and the impact on quality of life of leprosy patients 
Iyer S. Library Progress International. 2024. 

Factors Associated with the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Primary Healthcare Workers Regarding Neglected Tropical Diseases with Skin Manifestations in the Dakar Region, Senegal, 2022.  
Fall L, Kourouma K, Diop A, et al. Tropical medicine and infectious disease. 2024; 9 (11): 1-13. 

Physical House Condition and Individual Characteristics Influence the Incidence of Leprosy 
Dhea Vara Adellya , Narwati N, Sri Anggraeni , et al. International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology. Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya. 2024; 4 (5): 378-384. 

Nature Reviews Disease Primers. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024. 

Lepromatous leprosy in primigravida with early onset pre-eclampsia in third trimester: a rare case report  
Bhatia R, Kumari N, Tewari V, et al. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Medip Academy. 2024; 13 (12): 3733-3735. 

CCL-2 as a Potential Biomarker for Neuropathic Pain in Leprosy: A Literature Review 
Hanjaya H, Widyadharma IPE, Widyastuti K. International Journal of Research and Review. Galore Knowledge Publication Pvt. Ltd.. 2024; 11 (11) : 620-627.  

History of Leprosy Prevention and Control in Armenia  
Manukyan AH, Danielyan RR, Paronyan LV, et al. Medical Science of Armenia. National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. 2024. 

Evaluating The Efficacy Of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) In The Management Of Trophic Ulcers Of Leprosy  
Chadha C, Marmat H, Sharma N. International Journal of Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Pharma Research. 2024. 

A pathway for skin NTD diagnostic development 
Marks M, Vedithi SC, van de Sande WWJ, et al. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 18 (11): 1-7. 

Trend and Factors Associated with Medical–Surgical Complications in Patients Discharged from Leprosy Multidrug Therapy at the Specialized Regional Hospital in Macenta, Guinea, from 2012 to 2021 
Hébélamou J, Grovogui FM, Manet H, et al. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. MDPI AG. 2024; 9 (12): 1-9.  

Mortality from neglected tropical diseases in the state of Maranhão, Brazil: a guidance for health planning in vulnerable areas.  
Oliveira R, Pimentel K, Almeida-de-Souza F, et al. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 2024. 

The Neurological Impact of Leprosy: Manifestations and Treatment Approaches.  
Calderone A, Aloisi M, Casella C, et al. Neurology international. 2024; 16 (6) : 1492-1508.  

Mycobacterium leprae in Nine-Banded Armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus), Ecuador. 
Romero-Alvarez D, Calvopiña M, Cisneros-Vásquez E, et al. Emerging infectious diseases. 2024; 30 (12): 2629-2632.  

Genomic and Phenotypic Variations Among Thai-53 and Clinical Isolates: Implications for Leprosy Pathogenesis and Research. 
Gomes T, da Silva T, Machado E, et al. Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland). 2024; 13 (11): 1-17.  

Prevalence of paucibacillary cases of leprosy in Brazil: a 20-year systematic review and meta-analysis.  
Gonçalves B, Raiol A, Brito A, et al. Frontiers in medicine. 2024. 

Transitions experienced by people living with limitations resulting from leprosy: a research-care study. 
Costa R, Fernandes M, Zagonel I. Revista brasileira de enfermagem. 2024; 77 (5): 1-8.     

Perfil clínico e epidemiológico da hanseníase em menores de 15 anos no estado do Maranhão, 2011 a 2021 
Valéria de Jesus Menezes de Menezes , Thajison Robert Menezes de-Holanda , Rodrigues C, et al. Residencia Pediatrica. 2024. 

Perfil epidemiológico da hanseníase em idosos através dos sistemas de informações em saúde datasus 
Veras IEG, Mendes ED, Branco ACDSC. Revista Contemporânea. Brazilian Journals. 2024; 4 (11): 1-20. 

Desafios da hanseníase no contexto brasileiro com foco no nordeste: revisão bibliográfica 
Bortoluzzi L, Concatto Pretto M, Moratelli Calomeno M, et al. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218. Editora RECIMA21 LTDA. 2024; 5 (12): 1-9.

Case Reports

A Case of Zoonotic Domestically Acquired Hansen Disease (Leprosy) in the State of Georgia 
Nicolle D, Ganz J, Mohr M. SKIN The Journal of Cutaneous Medicine. National Society for Cutaneous Medicine. 2024; 8 (6): 2016-2020. 

Hyperpigmented macules surrounded by hypopigmented rim in a case of lepromatous leprosy 
Mushtaq S. Hansenologia Internationalis: hanseníase e outras doenças infecciosas. Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima. 2024. 

Tofacitinib in Leprosy: A Novel Therapeutic Approach in Chronic Recalcitrant Type II Reactions  
Suresh B, Reshmi PR, Jaipal J, et al. Cureus. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024. 

A Case of Saddle Nose Deformity Secondary to Lepromatous Leprosy  
Pokala U, Poondru AR, Laxmi santhi swetha. M S, et al. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024. 

A Rheumatoid Arthritis-Like Presentation in Multibacillary Leprosy with Concurrent Erythema Nodosum Leprosum  
Sittisaksomjai S, Pongcharoen P, Wimoolchart S. Thai Journal of Dermatology. 2024. 

Acute worsening of lower limb weakness in a treated case of Hansen's disease – a diagnostic challenge 
Chikodi SS, Kiran, Bhat RM, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (4): 1-5. 

News & Events

DoHFW PD proposes action plan for Leprosy Transmission Interrupted by 2027 (Nagaland Page) 

Call for inputs: Thematic report to the 59th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2025 (United Nations Human Rights - Office of the High Commissioner) 

Andhra Pradesh Bill to End Discrimination (GK Today) 

WHO donates 15 million tablets to curb Neglected Tropical Diseases (The Star)

Where are the funds for the diseases that attack a billion poor people? (EL PAÍS)

WHO launches new clinical trials guidance – What do I need to know?
December 13, 2024, 14:00 CEST
This session will highlight key aspects of the guidance, including embedding research within health systems, fostering diverse, active clinical research networks, and prioritizing community interaction across the trial lifecycle.

Second global meeting on skin-related neglected tropical diseases (skin NTDs) 
Save the date! March 24-26, 2025 
The World Health Organization (WHO) held its first global meeting on skin-related neglected tropical diseases (skin NTDs) on 27–31 March 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. This meeting has built the foundation and momentum for the second global meeting to be held on 24–26 March 2025. The event demonstrates the collective commitment of the global skin-NTD community to achieving a key objective of the NTD road map: integration. 

Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2024
May 2025; Nairobi, Kenya.
The 1st edition of the Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases, organized by AME is tentatively scheduled in May 2025 in Nairobi, Kenya, as a hybrid meeting. The abstract-driven conference proposes a platform to disseminate new advancements, real-world data, implementation challenges, and novel governing models to discuss and generate solutions for cross-cutting topics and ultimately reduce the disease burden and societal impact of NTDs. This proposal supports the progress in foundational pillars of the WHO Roadmap by facilitating evidence-based program implementation, leveraging the cross-cutting approach, and providing a forum to discuss a paradigm shift toward country ownership of elimination programs.

New WHO regional strategy supports Indonesia's mission to end NTDs by 2030 (World Health Organization) 

African Researcher's Small Grants Program (SGP VII) Request for Applications (The African Research Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases)

Call for Funding (Global Health Innovative Technology Fund)

Annual Kyelem Prize Call for Nominations (Coalition for Operational Research Neglected Tropical Diseases)

Tropical Infectious Diseases Gordon Research Conference
February 2-7, 2024; Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco, Lucca, Italy
The theme of the conference is "Basic and Clinical Research Strategies for Tackling Tropical Infectious Diseases in a Globalized World". Registration is open and deadline is January 5, 2025.

Global Disability Summit 2025 
April 2-4, 2025; Berlin, Germany. 
The Global Disability Summit aims to galvanize global efforts to realize disability inclusion around the world. It is a mechanism bringing together a wide variety of high-level stakeholders, engaging and discussing the progress in disability inclusion: governments, multilateral agencies, the private sector, academia and civil society organizations, organizations of persons with disabilities, and foundations. 

22nd International Leprosy Congress (ILC) 
July 5-9, 2025; Bali Nusa Dua Convention Centra (BNDCC), Bali, Indonesia 
This year the 22nd International Leprosy Congress (ILC) will be held in Bali, Indonesia! The congress uphold the theme: "Towards a World with Zero Leprosy". The theme aims to enhance the evidence into the clinical care in leprosy early diagnosis and therapeutics in the global era and prepare to face the new perspective of dermatology practice. Abstract submission and early bird registration is open until November 30th.

European Congress for Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH) 2025
September 29-October 2, 2025, Hamburg
Save the Date! ECTMIH 2025 is currently still in the planning stage. All information is expected to be available from January 2025 and registration will be possible from then on.


Info Hansen - A innovative hub for knowledge sharing about Hansen's Disease

ALLF - Official website of the Association des Léprologues de Langue Française

LML - Leprosy Mailing List - a free moderated email list that allows all persons interested in leprosy to share ideas, information, experiences and questions

InfoNTD - Information on cross-cutting issues in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

ILEP newsletter archive

GPZL newsletter subscription

WHO Goodwill Ambassador's Leprosy Bulletin

Leprosy Review

Leprosy Review Repository (1928-2001)

Fontilles Revista de Leprología

Indian Journal of Leprosy

Hansenologia Internationalis

HARP - database of Hansen's Disease Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles

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LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

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