Leprosy Mailing List – January 30, 2018
Ref.: (LML) Mortality in leprosy
From: Clovis Lombardi, São Paulo, Brazil
Dear Pieter,
You will find below the link to an article of my authorship (abstract of my doctorate thesis) published in Revista de Saúde Pública São Paulo (Brazil) in 1984, about mortality in leprosy in the state of São Paulo.
Although it refers to the pre-MDT era, I believe it could eventually be useful to the discussion.
Link (with abstract in English):
Best regards,
Clovis Lombardi
Retired professor Epidemiology Department
Public Health School - USP - São Paulo
LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder
LML blog link: http://leprosymailinglist.blogspot.it/
Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder << editorlml@gmail.com