Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fw: Ref.: (LML) Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. September, 2024.


Leprosy Mailing List –  September 12,  2024


Ref.:  (LML)  Infolep monthly overview of new publications on leprosy. September, 2024.

From:  Roos Geutjes & Sophie Vissers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Dear colleagues, 

We are happy to be sharing this months newsletter as it contains many interesting resources like:

  • USAID fact sheet on expanding goverment partnerships to sustainably eliminate NTDs
  • Multiple systematic reviews on psychosocial impact of and interventions against leprosy
  • Publications in English, Bahasa, Portuguese, French and Spanish
  • Case reports on atypical presentations of leprosy
  • Funding calls and new events

Please inform us if we have missed any important publications, news or events. We are also interested in feedback on the new search functionality and lay out of the website. Together we keep on learning and growing! 

Warm regards,

Roos Geutjes & Sophie Vissers

Practical Materials

USAID: Expanding Government Partnerships to Sustainably Eliminate NTDs [USAID fact sheet]

Partnering for Progress: Building Industry-Academic Partnerships in Digital Mental Health [Wellcome Zinc VC. webinar recording]

The uses and challenges of AI in global health [RSTMH webinar recording]

Elimination Exchange: Prof Emilienne Epée on Community Engagement [Glide podcast episode]

Highlighted Publications

Leprosy and lymphatic filariasis-related disability and psychosocial burden in northern Mozambique
van Wijk R, Raimundo L, Nicala D, et al. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 18 (8) : 1-23. 

Interventions to reduce leprosy related stigma: A systematic review
Willis M, Fastenau A, Penna S, et al. PLOS Global Public Health. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 4 (8) : 1-13.

Psychosocial interventions for persons affected by Leprosy: A systematic review
Bonkass A, Fastenau A, Stuetzle S, et al. PLOS Mental Health. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 1 (3) : 1-50. 

The psychosocial impacts of skin-neglected tropical diseases (SNTDs) as perceived by the affected persons: A systematic review
Alderton DL, Ackley C, Trueba ML, et al. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2024; 18 (8) : 1-28. 

'The Lost Peace': Evidencing the Syndemic Relationship between Neglected Tropical Diseases and Mental Distress in Liberia
McCollum R, Barrett C, Zawolo G, et al. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. MDPI AG. 2024; 9 (8) : 1-24. 

Evaluation by community health agents of the attributes of Primary Health Care for fighting leprosy: a cross-sectional study
Bolorino N, Gonçalves LC, de Freitas FMB, et al. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing. 2024.

New publications

Feel free to contact us to receive full-text versions if these cannot be found through the Infolep portal.

Strategies for leprosy services in low-endemic areas and countries
van Brakel WH, Warne G, Cambau E, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (3) : 1-17. 

Skin diseases among the tribal population of Kerala: the challenges and way forward.
Simi S, Jose R, Anish T. International journal for equity in health. 2024; 23 (1) : 1-5.

An evaluation of adverse drug reactions, adherence to treatment and quality of life in patients with leprosy receiving multidrug therapy in a tertiary care teaching hospital
Nariya S, Kareliya M, Pillai A, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024.

The role of neurologists in the WHO "Toward Zero Leprosy" strategy
Klevor R, El-Sadig SM, Hassane DS, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (3) : 1-3.

Using geostatistics to fight neglected tropical diseases
Purkiss J, Clark FN, Giorgi E. Significance. Oxford University Press (OUP). 2024; 21 (4) : 14-18.

Inclusion of people with disabilities due to leprosy at work through supported employment: An analysis in the context of rehabilitation
Maia FB, Correia RL, Kenedi MDT, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (3) : 1-14.

Natural Products as Leads for Neglected Trophical Diseases (NTDs) Treatment: A Chemical and Biological - Review
Mathew TS, Chinedu EK, Haladu M, et al. Journal of Sciences and Artificial Intelligence. 2024.

Hansen's disease: Is histopathological correlation mandatory for all clinically diagnosed patients? A descriptive study in a tertiary care hospital
Sananda Koley , Nandini Das , Sunita Bagdi , et al. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. Nepal Journals Online (JOL). 2024; 15 (8) : 91-96. 

From Challenges to Solution: The Evolving Landscape of Leprosy Management
Moreira LMCDC, Oliveira ACDJ, Chaves LL, et al. Advanced Therapeutics. Wiley. 2024.

Human migration, infectious diseases, plague, global health crisis - historical evidence
Kinasih SE, Devy SR, Koesbardiati T, et al. Cogent Arts & Humanities. Informa UK Limited. 2024; 11 (1) : 1-29. 

Iron and vitamin D intake on a diet are able to modify the in vitro immune response to Mycobacterium leprae
Martins BL, Perico J, Bertoluci DFDF, et al. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. FapUNIFESP (SciELO). 2024.

Focal slowing of nerve conduction velocity in leprosy patients unveiled through multisegmented nerve analysis
Daccach V, Tomaselli PJ, Algemiro JS, et al. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System. Wiley. 2024.

Percepções de Profissionais sobre Intervenção Educativa Acerca da Avaliação Neurológica Simplificada da Hanseníase
Nóbrega MDM, Santana EMF, Brito KKG, et al. Revista Baiana de Enfermagem. Revista Baiana de Enfermagem. 2024.

Instrumentos para evaluar la calidad de los servicios en enfermedades crónicas: revisión de alcance
Sousa GSD, Silva FVD, Longhi FG, et al. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem. FapUNIFESP (SciELO). 2024.

Aspectos da incapacidades física e estigma por sequelas da Hanseníase
Roman MB, Góes IP, Kouri MGM, et al. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 7 (4) : 1-11. 

Avanços no Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Hanseníase: uma Revisão Integrativa
Sá Melo JCFD, Rocha MCPL, Landim IR, et al. RICS - Revista Interdisciplinar das Ciências da Saúde. Revista Internacional de Ciências da Saúde. 2024; 1 (2) : 1-7.

Perfil das notificações de hanseníase em menores de 15 anos no Nordeste do Brasil
Lima Filho CAD, Couto MTTD, Assis SAD, et al. Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online. Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO. 2024.

Socio-anthropologie d'une Maladie Tropicale Négligée dans une zone rurale du Niger : l'exemple de la lèpre à Danja et bourgades environnantes de Maradi
Ibrahim MMS, Mamane Sani SI, Abdoua ED. Revue LES TISONS. 2024.

An update on leprosy immunopathogenesis: systematic review
Silva MJA, Silva CS, Brasil TP, et al. Frontiers in Immunology. Frontiers Media SA. 2024.

Partnering to Eliminate Leprosy in Nigeria
Tyndall J. Public Health in Sub-Saharan Africa. Routledge. 2024.

Evidence relating to the elimination of leprosy disease from Jordan
Haddad N, Hamdallah A, Mousa AB, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (3) : 1-10.

Participation of people with disabilities due to Leprosy, Lymphatic Filariasis (LF), and other causes in Uganda
Carolyne Sserunkuma M, Sembatya BB, Moses K, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (3) : 1-22.

qPCR detection of Mycobacterium leprae DNA in urine samples of leprosy patients using the Rlep gene target
Diana D, Harish MC. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2024.

Health Education Method on Leprosy Prevention: Integrative Review.
Darmi M, Johari A, Sahrial S, et al. Archives of Razi Institute. 2024; 79 (1) : 1-12.

Transforming Lives: A Qualitative Study Seeking Insights Into Reconstructive Surgery for Leprosy Patients in Western Maharashtra
Shrivastava K, Ray S, Rathod H, et al. Cureus. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024.

Investigation of community knowledge, attitudes and stigma towards leprosy in Nigeria: a mixed-methods study
Murphy-Okpala N, Dahiru T, Eze C, et al. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Oxford University Press (OUP). 2024.

Temporal trends and space-time distribution of leprosy relapse in Brazil from 2001 to 2021.
Boigny R, Cavalcante K, Florencio C, et al. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2024; 118 (8) : 537-549.

Experiences of Patients Living in a Unique Leprosy Hospice in Greece: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Nikoloudi M, Bogdani E, Tsatsou I, et al. Cureus. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024.

Evaluating active leprosy case identification methods in six districts of Nepal.
Mahato R, Ghimire U, Lamsal M, et al. Infectious diseases of poverty. 2023; 12 (1) : 1-8. 

Neutrophilic leukocytosis and erythema nodosum leprosum in leprosy: insights from a retrospective observational study.
Barboza M, Hacker M, Sales A, et al. Frontiers in immunology. 2024.

Clinico-epidemiological study of childhood leprosy at a tertiary care centre in Central-India/Chhattisgarh
Xess KM, behra A, Kashyap S, et al. International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy. 2024.

CO2Wounds-V2: Extended Chronic Wounds Dataset From Leprosy Patients
Sanchez K, Hinojosa C, Mieles O, et al. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2024.

Nasal Symptoms in Leprosy
Samra T, Herbert S, Maderal A. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2024.

Determinan Stigma Masyarakat dalam Penyembuhan Penderita Kusta di Kelurahan Jongaya Kota Makassar Tahun 2024
Paebang GM, Musfirah M, Kasau S. Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research. 2024.

Valor diagnóstico da PCR quantitativa em acompanhamento de um paciente com hanseníase
Pinheiro MDS, Vieira MP, Santos DCMD, et al. Hansenologia Internationalis: hanseníase e outras doenças infecciosas. Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima. 2024.

Hanseníase na atenção básica: saberes e práticas dos profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família
Grangeiro SGDO, Gomes KWL, Duarte VDA, et al. Revista de APS. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. 2024.

Hanseníase Simulando Erupção Liquenóide: Uma Revisão Sistemática
Lahuan Araujo Costa , Larissa Pelicer Martins , Isabela Carrara Marinho , et al. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences. 2024; 6 (9) : 58-74. 

Case Reports

A rare case of pure neuritic leprosy with hereditary spherocytosis: implications for dapsone use
Agrawal S, Borkar M, Deoke S. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (3) : 1-5. 

A Case of Multibacillary Borderline Lepromatous Leprosy in the United States Treated With Alternative Therapy.
Chin N, Smith L, Gaudi S, et al. Cureus. 2024.

Triple Infectious Syndrome: Pulmonary Tuberculosis and HIV in a Case of Pure Neuritic Leprosy With Underlying Diabetes Mellitus
Deivasigamani M, Sureshgraham D, Srikanth SP, et al. Cureus. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024.

Unmasking Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by High-Resolution Ultrasonography in Misdiagnosed Pure Neuritic Leprosy: A Case Report.
Dalave K, Patil P, Raman T, et al. Cureus. 2024.

A Case of Multibacillary Borderline Lepromatous Leprosy in the United States Treated With Alternative Therapy
Chin N, Smith LR, Gaudi S, et al. Cureus. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024.

Ulcero-necrotic erythema nodosum leprosum and perforation of the palate in relapsed lepromatous leprosy: A rare challenge
Joshi VD, Belgaumkar VA. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (3) : 1-6. 

Leprosy presenting as acute sensory polyneuropathy
Umakant Naphade P, Nirhale S, Rohatgi S, et al. Leprosy Review. Lepra. 2024; 95 (3) : 1-5. 

Bridging dermatology and hematology: a case of lepromatous leprosy with bone marrow involvement and pancytopenia.
Saini T, Jain S, Narang T, et al. Journal of hematopathology. 2024.

An uncommon presentation of a common disease - Pure neural Hansen's disease with sinus on skin.
Vishwanath R. Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology. 2024.  1-3.

A life-threatening consequence of erythema nodosum leprosum
Malhi K, Singla L, Singh A, et al. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. Scientific Scholar. 2024.

Dermatofibroma atípico simulando hansenoma: relato de caso
Girardi PDS, Dornelas BDC, Hatanaka H, et al. Hansenologia Internationalis: hanseníase e outras doenças infecciosas. Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima. 2024.

Leprosy as a cause of nasolacrimal duct obstruction
Chen DA, Roth MT, Sbeih F, et al. Orbit. Informa UK Limited. 2024.

Hanseníase simulando erupção liquenóide: relato de caso e revisão de literatura
Aoyagui MYM, Lopes RDS, Martins MBC, et al. Journal Archives of Health. South Florida Publishing LLC. 2024; 5 (3) : 1-6. 

News & Events

Partners in drug discovery: how to collaborate with non-governmental organizations (Nature)

Guatemala commits to disability inclusion (CBM)

Call for Proposals: Mental Health Award - Accelerating scalable digital mental health interventions 

This call will fund research to evaluate and further develop scalable digital interventions to advance early intervention in depression, anxiety and psychosis. Funding amount: £3 to 7 million per project. The application must be submitted by 17:00 GMT on the 5th of December 2024.

Taller "El Tendedero sobre la Situation de Mujeres y Niñas afectadas por la Lepra/Enfermedad de Hansen"
September 13, 2024; Online 10:00 CST. 
Este evento es para que las organizaciones de personas afectadas por la lepra garanticen la participación de mujeres y niñas. Idiomas: Español y Portugués. Objectivo: Dialogar, haciendo uso del arte y la creatividad, sobre la situatción de mujeres y niñas afectadas por la lepra/enfermedad de Hansen.

RSTMH Annual Meeting 2024
October 10-11, 2024; Coin Street Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom.
The 2024 Annual Meeting will bring together members, Fellows and supporters from around the world to share knowledge, hear about the latest research and ideas, and encourage new collaborations. The theme of the meeting  is 'Tropical Medicine and Global Health: Innovations and Challenges' with a focus on significant cross cutting issues affecting many disease areas and health challenges. Registration is open.

Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2024
May 2025; Nairobi, Kenya.
The 1st edition of the Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases, organized by AME is tentatively scheduled in May 2025 in Nairobi, Kenya, as a hybrid meeting. The abstract-driven conference proposes a platform to disseminate new advancements, real-world data, implementation challenges, and novel governing models to discuss and generate solutions for cross-cutting topics and ultimately reduce the disease burden and societal impact of NTDs. This proposal supports the progress in foundational pillars of the WHO Roadmap by facilitating evidence-based program implementation, leveraging the cross-cutting approach, and providing a forum to discuss a paradigm shift toward country ownership of elimination programs.

UN Special Rapporteur's vision (ILEP)

Call for Proposals: NHIR Global Health Research - Researcher-led funding call bands 1 to 3
GHR – Researcher-led funds research that aims to improve health outcomes for the most vulnerable people in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Research must address evidence needs that are locally identified and prioritised, and must promote health equity, aligning with the aims of Sustainable Development Goal 3. Funding ranges from £250,000 to 7 million over a period up to 5 years depending on the band of application. 
Please check out the website for all eligibility criteria. Deadline for applications is 6th of November, 2024.

COR-NTD Meeting for the Pacific Islands 
September 25-26, 2024; Brisbane, Australia.
The goal of the 2nd annual Regional COR-NTD Meeting for the Pacific Islands is to bring together key stakeholders to address how to eliminate lymphatic filariasis, scabies, trachoma, leprosy and other NTDs from the region. 

Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network Conference 2024
October 1-3, 2024; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The NNN Annual Conference 2024 will take place from 1st of October - 3rd of October, 2024, in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The theme for the conference is: "Collaboration for Change: Fostering Global Equity and Strengthening Community Engagement in NTDs." Registration is open.

World Health Summit 2024
October 13-15, 2024; Berlin, Germany; hybrid event.
The theme of the conference is: "Building Trust for a Healthier World". You can join the event online live from all around the world for free and without any registration required. Simply click on the session of your interest in the
program and get the broadcasting link. Registration is open for on-site participation.

International Conference on Public Health in Africa  
November 26-29, 2024; Rabat, Morocco
Theme: Moving towards self-reliance to achieve Universal Health Coverage and Health Security in Africa. Deadline call for abstracts is 23 September 2024 23:49 EAT/20:59 UTC.

Tropical Infectious Diseases Gordon Research Conference
February 2-7, 2024; Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco, Lucca, Italy
The theme of the conference is "Basic and Clinical Research Strategies for Tackling Tropical Infectious Diseases in a Globalized World". Registration is open and deadline is January 5, 2025.


Info Hansen - A innovative hub for knowledge sharing about Hansen's Disease

ALLF - Official website of the Association des Léprologues de Langue Française

LML - Leprosy Mailing List - a free moderated email list that allows all persons interested in leprosy to share ideas, information, experiences and questions

InfoNTD - Information on cross-cutting issues in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

ILEP newsletter archive

GPZL newsletter subscription

WHO Goodwill Ambassador's Leprosy Bulletin

Leprosy Review

Leprosy Review Repository (1928-2001)

Fontilles Revista de Leprología

Indian Journal of Leprosy

Hansenologia Internationalis

HARP - database of Hansen's Disease Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles

GDPR & the Infolep newsletter

New EU data protection regulations came into force on 25 May 2018. We have been reviewing our practices with regards to the GDPR, including our
privacy statement and mailing list.

Infolep sends out monthly e-mails with an overview of recent publications on leprosy and related issues. The purpose of this activity is to keep subscribers up to date.

Infolep will only process the data we have (names, email addresses) for the purpose of sending you the newsletter. We take your security seriously and will never share your contact details with anyone else.

You can
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LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Fw: Ref.: (LML) Post-Exposure Prophylaxis in Leprosy



Leprosy Mailing List –  September 2,  2024


Ref.:  (LML) Post-Exposure Prophylaxis in Leprosy

From:  Ben Naafs, Munnekeburen, the Netherlands

Dear Pieter,

As you know I am not in favour of PEP. But less aggressive than some. Most of the papers are not convincing. Usually done under conditions that are favourable for a positive outcome. And still the researchers continue to proof their point by continuously increasing the strength of their "medication". The last article of Epco Hasker, for LML readers who have missed it, is enclosed.

Research that was a success was the Malta trial. Eradication was achieved and claimed by Freerksen in 1977(1). But that was treatment! It was assessed by Leiker and he showed me that in the tunica dartos of the scrotum of LL patients still intact Mycobacteria were present (Personal communication 1988). But why these patients did not relapse is for me interesting (2).

We assume that under favourable conditions the persisters start dividing. But which are the favourable conditions. Contact with M. leprae in the environment could be one. Or even contact with other mycobacteria which might influence the condition of the patients. We have found an indication in Zimbabwe working with Elisa and antigens supplied by John Stanford in 1985 (3). Some bacteria protected and some seem to enhance (4).

All these factors are present in the PEP trials and influence the outcome. Important is to follow the ones participating in a trial for longer than two years. And then look also at the housing and compound. M.leprae cannot survive on concrete floor and has difficulties in dry conditions. It survives in moist environment and in pools. Houses with mud floors in moist conditions are ideal. Up and down going of the immune system due to malnutrition, infections, medication or vaccination could be a triggering factor.

Among all this, there is another problem, 80% of the individuals do genetically not develop leprosy. Maybe that within a leprosy family it might be less. But I studied and published with Stoner that lived in a family where both parents have leprosy. With the primitive methods we had at that time (1970Th) were indeed from this father and mother. Some developed leprosy and others not. Some BT and some even polar LL (5).

Thus, when you do a PEP trial and need statistics to proof, forget about it. Cost a lot of money and gives hope to the participants. But most research show that the effect is only for a short time. The people will be disappointed and will lose trust in modern medicine and their own leprosy workers.

Is it worth it?





1. Freerksen E, Rosenfeld M. Leprosy eradication project of Malta. First published report after 5 years running. Chemotherapy. 1977;23(5):356-86. doi: 10.1159/000222005. PMID: 332467.

2. Jamet P; Blanc L.; Faye O, Traore I., Bobin P. Single dose Rifampin cannot prevent relapse in skin smear-negative Multibacillary Leprosy after dapsone monotherapy. Abstract International Leprosy Congress 1993 CH 21.

3. Lyons NF, Naafs B. Influence of environmental mycobacteria on the prevalence of leprosy clinical type. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 1987 Dec;55(4):637-45. PMID: 3430001

4. Mous HVH, Mason P.R., De Lange WE, Gwanzura, L. Naafs, B. Sensitization to mycobacteria in 2 area's of Zimbabwe with different distribution of leprosy type and leprosy incidence: skin tests. Abstract International Leprosy Congress 1993 IN 175.

5: Stoner GL, Touw J, Belehu A, Naafs B. In-vitro lymphoproliferative response to Mycobacterium leprae of HLA-D-identical siblings of lepromatous leprosy patients. Lancet. 1978 Sep 9;2(8089):543-7. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(78)92881-7. PMID: 79915.

LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<

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