Friday, June 25, 2021

Fw: Ref.: (LML) a cross-neglected tropical disease Perception Study Toolkit (PST)



Leprosy Mailing List – June 25 ,  2021


Ref.:  (LML) a cross-neglected tropical disease Perception Study Toolkit (PST)


From:  Anna van 't Noordende, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Dear Pieter,

I would like to share our recent publication about a cross-neglected tropical disease Perception Study Toolkit (PST), we think this may be of interest:

The PST is a toolkit to assess the different aspects of perception of leprosy or other NTDs, including essential knowledge of these conditions. The PST consists of four measures: a Communication Needs Assessment questionnaire, Knowledge Attitudes and Practices questionnaire, the EMIC community stigma scale and the Social Distance Scale. It also comprises qualitative methods to investigate perception (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, emotions). The PST is a toolkit and comprises separate instruments that assess different aspects of perception, it is also possible to use only one or a few of the instruments of the PST.

The PST can help identify specific beliefs, knowledge gaps, misconceptions and fears to inform community education and behaviour change interventions and can be used to monitor and evaluate such interventions. Using a standard toolkit like the PST would enable assessment of the perception of leprosy or other NTDs that would allow comparison across projects and countries including monitoring of changes over time.

Thank you very much in advance! I look forward to hearing from you.

With best wishes,

Anna van 't Noordende
Programme Support & Research Officer PEP++

LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<

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