Monday, April 15, 2013

Request of information about a tool designed to measure and monitor ulcers

Ref.:   Request of information about a tool designed to measure and monitor ulcers.
From: D Andersen, Chennai, India


Dear Dr Salvatore,

Thank you for adding me to the mailing list.  I am a student at Brigham Young University in the U.S. and I am conducting an internship with a leprosy rehabilitation organization called Rising Star Outreach; they operate outside of Chennai in India.

I am currently seeking a tool designed to measure and monitor ulcers.  I am evaluating an organizations health services which includes a mobile medical clinic that visits leprosy colonies bi-weekly to provide any treatments, as well as training and supplies for self-care.  So, the tool needs to be sensitive enough to measure the impact their programs have on the treatment of ulcers.  Any direction for finding such a resource would be greatly appreciated.


Dane Andersen
Project Evaluation and Assessment Team
Brigham Young University

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