Sunday, August 18, 2019

(LML) The 2nd World Conference on Advanced Treatments & Technologies in Wound Care

Dear colleagues,


For those interested, the 2nd World Conference on Advanced Treatments & Technologies in Wound Care (ATTWC2019) will take place  in Düsseldorf, Germany, 24-25 October 2019.

ATTWC2019 follows the inaugural ATTWC2018 which took place in London.  The conference is aimed at exchanging the most up-to-date knowledge between scientists, clinicians and R&D personnel in the relevant wound prevention and care industries in regard to the latest technologies for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of wounds of all types (i.e. acute including burns, surgical and chronic wounds), as well as for identifying knowledge and technological gaps that exist in the field. The first conference has proven to be a unique cross-disciplinary platform for discussing innovation and emerging medical device technologies in wound prevention, diagnosis and care. As before, speakers will again be cherry-picked to verify that they bring the latest science, top-tier medical research and leading industry perspectives to the forum. The specific goals of this conference are to:

1.         Provide an overview of current research and development trends in academia in regard to a spectrum of research and technologies in the wound prevention, diagnosis and care field.
2.         Identify potential opportunities for transfer of technologies that are still at the research lab phase into medical technologies and products.
3.         Identify needs and technological gaps in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all wound types.


For inquieries, please contact


UK: +44-203-051-4032 ext 521

US: +1-857-400-0035 ext 521




LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<


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