Thursday, December 11, 2008

Steroid therapy in the management of reactions in leprosy

Leprosy Mailing List, December 8th, 2008

Ref.: Steroid therapy in the management of reactions in leprosy
From: Kawuma J., Kampala, Uganda

Dear Salvatore,
Basing on the various responses on this subject it is clear that something must be done about the current guidelines.
Those needing to prompt change should not only be the WHO Experts but also other opinion leaders in the leprosy world. The circulating issues of the ILEP Learning Guides One and Two also describe standard 12 week regimens for Type 1 reactions in PB patients.
Whatever the new guidelines are, they should take serious consideration of the current status of leprosy control programmes in Africa; there is a threat that field staff with good clnical knowledge of leprosy are tending to extinction; there is in addition an on-going debate regarding the threat of not having dedicated training facilities!

Joseph Kawuma
GLRA, Uganda

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