Thursday, September 19, 2019

FW: (LML) LML QR code


Leprosy Mailing List – September 19,  2019

Ref.:    (LML) LML QR code

From:  Pieter Schreuder, Maastricht, the Netherlands


Dear colleagues,



At the recent congress in Manila, Ben Naafs and Sunil Deepak represented LML. For that purpose, a poster was designed (see annex) and an LML QR code established.



Regarding the congress: in general, in plenary sessions there is a need of a kind of global update on specific areas (like state of the art), which tells about the major discoveries and changes in the past 4 years, so that one can come back with clear ideas about where we are now. Instead, most speakers in the plenary spoke about their own work, a kind of glorified oral presentations usually made in parallel sessions. Another point of concern was that for clinicians the congress had not much to offer. Otherwise, only positive remarks about the congress and the kindness of the Philippine people were heard.


During a meeting at the congress, there was a question about the WER 2017 data. Actually, the 2017 data in WER was limited to only 25 countries. However, there is a link where one can get country level data, though it was not included in WER 2017. Dr. Rao from the WHO Leprosy Section reassured that WHO will continue to provide country level data of leprosy from all countries. He also mentioned that they are just 2 persons in the team (Rao together with Coorman from Belgium) and very limited in what they can do.


For your information, the latest leprosy data from 2018 came out at the end of August  (


Not surprisingly, many who attended the congress knew about LML. However, one remark illustrated a misunderstanding about LML: "that there are always the same few people who write for LML". That is also our point of concern that so few people take an active part in the discussions. We have to stress again that:


LML is an open forum, anybody is welcome and can bring in his experience or opinion. This is a plea to all LML members: please come forwards – your contribution will be very much appreciated!


For the coming two weeks, I will be absent from LML. In October, I will take up coordinating LML again.



Best wishes,



Pieter AM Schreuder

Editor LML

LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<

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