Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cyclosporine A in the treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) reaction

Leprosy Mailing List – February 23rd, 2011

Ref.:   Cyclosporine A in the treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) reaction
From: Noto S., Genoa , Italy

Dear Antonio,

Thank you very much for your message.  I have never used Cyclosporine, I hope others will give some advise. As reference you can look in Dr Naafs’ paper:-
B. Naafs
Current views on reactions in leprosy.
Indian J. Lepr. 72 (2000) 97-122
Herewith I report from his paper:
<< ….“Cyclosporin A has been shown by some to be effective in severe T-2-R [ENL] and may be a substitute for thalido­mide in affluent societies. Though thalidomide is more effective, it frequently cannot be used due to restrictive political legislations [it is a teratogenic drug]. However, in our hands, cyclosporin A was of little benefit in preventing T-2-R ….>>”

Many greetings from Genoa ,


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