Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Cytological needle aspiration" for the diagnosis of primary neuritic leprosy

Leprosy Mailing List – January 25th, 2011

Ref.: "Cytological needle aspiration" for the diagnosis of primary neuritic leprosy.
From: Theuvenet W., Apeldoorn, The Netherlands

Dear Dr. Kar,

Sometimes primary neuritic leprosy can pose a diagnostic problem. A helpful and simple technique to set the diagnosis is by "cytological needle aspiration" of the affected nerve as developed at Anandaban Leprosy Hospital in Nepal.  A full description of the technique is published in "Clinical Aspects of Nerve Damage in Leprosy" p 93. A free copy of this is most likely available at:

INFOLEP Leprosy Information Services
P.O. Box 95005 Ι 1090 HA  Amsterdam
Tel.: + 31 20 5950530 Fax: +31 20 6680823
E-mail: J.Erlings(at)Leprastichting.NL
With best regards,
Wim Theuvenet
Dr. Willem Theuvenet, M.D., Ph.D.
Plastic, Reconstructive, Esthetic and Hand surgeon
Regional Hospitals of Apeldoorn, Deventer and Zutphen, The Netherlands.
Consultant for TLM and NLR

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