Leprosy Mailing List – February 22, 2015
Ref.: (LML) INFOLEP selection of recent publications on leprosy
From: Jiske Erlings, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Dear LML readers,
Below you will find a selection of recent publications on leprosy. Feel free to contact me to receive the full text versions if a link to the full text is not included.
You might have heard that we are working on expanding the Infolep portal with publications on cross-cutting issues in Neglected Tropical Diseases. An overview of this rapidly growing collection can be found here: http://www.leprosy-information.org/category/collection/infontds-cross-cutting-issues
With kind regards,
Jiske Erlings
INFOLEP Information specialist
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Infolep Leprosy Information Services
| Postbus / P.O. Box 95005 1090 HA Amsterdam The Netherlands
Investing to overcome the global impact of neglected tropical diseases : Third WHO report on neglected tropical diseases / WHO, Department of control of neglected tropical diseases. 2015. Download full report
New Journal Articles
Andrade PR, Pinheiro RO, Sales AM, Illarramendi X, de Mattos Barbosa MG, Moraes MO, Jardim MR, da Costa Nery JA, Sampaio EP, Sarno EN. Type 1 reaction in leprosy: a model for a better understanding of tissue immunity under an immunopathological condition. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2015 Feb 10:1-17.
Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/t-regulatory-cells-treg-tcd4cd25foxp3-distribution-different-clinical-forms-leprosy-and
Arakkal GK, Damarla SV, Chanda GM. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome unmasking erythema nodosum leprosum: a rare case report. Indian J Dermatol. 2015 Jan-Feb;60(1):106. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/immune-reconstitution-inflammatory-syndrome-unmasking-erythema-nodosum-leprosum-rare-case
Berkowitz AL, Raibagkar P, Pritt BS, Mateen FJ. Neurologic manifestations of the neglected tropical diseases. J Neurol Sci. 2015 Feb 15;349(1-2):20-32. Abstract: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/neurologic-manifestations-neglected-tropical-diseases
Chhabra N, Grover C, Singal A, Bhattacharya SN, Kaur R. Leprosy Scenario at a Tertiary Level Hospital in Delhi: A 5-year Retrospective Study. Indian J Dermatol. 2015 Jan-Feb;60(1):55-9. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/leprosy-scenario-tertiary-level-hospital-delhi-5-year-retrospective-study
Das J, Katyal A, Naunwaar D. Dapsone-induced Methemoglobinemia in a Patient of Leprosy. Indian J Dermatol. 2015 Jan-Feb;60(1):108. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/dapsone-induced-methemoglobinemia-patient-leprosy
de Souza-Santana F, Marcos E, Nogueira M, Ura S, Tomimori J. Human leukocyte antigen class I and class II alleles are associated with susceptibility and resistance in borderline leprosy patients from Southeast Brazil. BMC Infect Dis. 2015 Jan 21;15(1):22. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/human-leukocyte-antigen-class-i-and-class-ii-alleles-are-associated-susceptibility-and
Donoghue HD, Michael Taylor G, Marcsik A, Molnár E, Pálfi G, Pap I, Teschler-Nicola M, Pinhasi R, Erdal YS, Velemínsky P, Likovsky J, Belcastro MG, Mariotti V, Riga A, Rubini M, Zaio P, Besra GS, Lee OY, Wu HH, Minnikin DE, Bull ID, O'Grady J, Spigelman M. A migration-driven model for the historical spread of leprosy in medieval Eastern and Central Europe. Infect Genet Evol. 2015 Feb 10. pii: S1567-1348(15)00044-1.
Grauwin MY, Wavreille G, Fontaine C. Double tendon transfer for correction of drop-foot. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2015 Feb;101(1):115-8. Abstract: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/double-tendon-transfer-correction-drop-foot
Jardim MR, Vital R, Hacker MA, Nascimento M, Balassiano SL, Sarno EN, Illarramendi X. Leprosy neuropathy evaluated by NCS is independent of the patient's infectious state. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Jan 12;131C:5-10. Abstract: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/leprosy-neuropathy-evaluated-ncs-independent-patients-infectious-state
Kline L, Powers R, Defazio J. What is your diagnosis? lepromatous leprosy. Cutis. 2015 Jan;95(1):19;25;26. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/what-your-diagnosis-lepromatous-leprosy
Kumaran SM, Bhat IP, Madhukara J, Rout P, Elizabeth J. Comparison of bacillary index on slit skin smear with bacillary index of granuloma in leprosy and its relevance to present therapeutic regimens. Indian J Dermatol. 2015 Jan-Feb;60(1):51-4. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/comparison-bacillary-index-slit-skin-smear-bacillary-index-granuloma-leprosy-and-its
Lana-Peixoto MA, Campos WR, Reis PA, Campos CM, Rodrigues CA. Tonic pupil in leprosy. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2014 Dec;77(6):395-6. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/tonic-pupil-leprosy
Lanza FM, Vieira NF, Oliveira MM, Lana FC. Evaluation of the Primary Care in leprosy control: proposal of an instrument for users. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2014 Dec;48(6):1054-61. Full text http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/evaluation-primary-care-leprosy-control-proposal-instrument-users
Liegeon AL, Reigneau M, Rivail J, Bauvin O, Cuny JF, Schmutz JL. [Linear tuberculoid leprosy along the lines of Blaschko: A very rare presentation.]. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2015 Feb 11. pii: S0151-9638(15)00009-5. Abstract: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/linear-tuberculoid-leprosy-along-lines-blaschko-very-rare-presentation
Liu H, Irwanto A, Fu X, Yu G, Yu Y, Sun Y, Wang C, Wang Z, Okada Y, Low H, Li Y, Liany H, Chen M, Bao F, Li J, You J, Zhang Q, Liu J, Chu T, Andiappan AK, Wang N, Niu G, Liu D, Yu X, Zhang L, Tian H, Zhou G, Rotzschke O, Chen S, Zhang X, Liu J, Zhang F. Discovery of six new susceptibility loci and analysis of pleiotropic effects in leprosy. Nat Genet. 2015 Feb 2. Abstract: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/discovery-six-new-susceptibility-loci-and-analysis-pleiotropic-effects-leprosy
Malhotra K, Kulshreshtha D, Shukla S, Husain N. ENL Developing Ten Years After Leprosy Treatment Masquerading as Atypical-Mycobacterial infection. QJM. 2015 Feb 5. pii: hcv042. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/enl-developing-ten-years-after-leprosy-treatment-masquerading-atypical-mycobacterial
Nisha J, Shanthi V. Computational Simulation Techniques to Understand Rifampicin Resistance Mutation (S425L) of rpoB in M. Leprae. J Cell Biochem. 2015 Feb 10. Abstract: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/computational-simulation-techniques-understand-rifampicin-resistance-mutation-s425l-rpob-m
Palácios VR, Gonçalves NV, Bichara CN, Fontelles MJ, Andriolo RB, Silva Junior JB, Póvoa MM. Leprosy and pregnancy: detection coefficient and proposal for a new index. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2014 Dec;47(6):798-800. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/leprosy-and-pregnancy-detection-coefficient-and-proposal-new-index
Parente JN, Talhari C, Schettini AP, Massone C. T regulatory cells (TREG)(TCD4+CD25+FOXP3+) distribution in the different clinical forms of leprosy and reactional states. An Bras Dermatol. 2015 Jan-Feb;90(1):41-7. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/t-regulatory-cells-tregtcd4cd25foxp3-distribution-different-clinical-forms-leprosy-and
Pires CA, Miranda MF, Bittencourt Mde J, Brito AC, Xavier MB. Comparison between histopathologic features of leprosy in reaction lesions in HIV coinfected and non-coinfected patients. An Bras Dermatol. 2015 Jan-Feb;90(1):27-34. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/comparison-between-histopathologic-features-leprosy-reaction-lesions-hiv-coinfected-and-non
Rêgo JL, Oliveira JM, de Lima Santana N, Machado PR, Castellucci LC. The role of ERBB2 gene polymorphisms in leprosy susceptibility. Braz J Infect Dis. 2015 Jan 27. pii: S1413-8670(15)00030-6. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/role-erbb2-gene-polymorphisms-leprosy-susceptibility
Shaikh I, Soomro F, Bhatti NS, Bhutto AM. Leprosy in Sukkur region: A series of 143 cases from 2001-2011 at leprosy centre Sukkur, Sindh. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. 2014;24(4) 298-301. Free full text: http://www.jpad.org.pk/Oct%20Dec%202014/4.%20Original%20article%20Leprosy%20in%20Sukkur%20region.pdf
Silva GA, Ramasawmy R, Boechat AL, Morais AC, Carvalho BK, Sousa KB, Souza VC, Cunha MG, Barletta-Naveca RH, Santos MP, Naveca FG. Association of TNF -1031 C/C as a potential protection marker for leprosy development in Amazonas state patients, Brazil. Hum Immunol. 2015 Jan 27. pii: S0198-8859(15)00012-9.
Abstract: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/association-tnf-1031-cc-potential-protection-marker-leprosy-development-amazonas-state
Silva Junior GB, Daher Ede F, Pires Neto Rda J, Pereira ED, Meneses GC, Araújo SM, Barros EJ. Leprosy nephropathy: a review of clinical and histopathological features. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2015 Feb;57(1):15-20. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/leprosy-nephropathy-review-clinical-and-histopathological-features
Tang SF, Chen CP, Lin SC, Wu CK, Chen CK, Cheng SP. Reduction of plantar pressures in leprosy patients by using custom made shoes and total contact insoles. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Feb;129 Suppl 1:S12-5. Abstract: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/reduction-plantar-pressures-leprosy-patients-using-custom-made-shoes-and-total-contact
Vashisht D, Das AL, Vaishampayan SS, Vashisht S, Joshi R. Nerve conduction studies in early tuberculoid leprosy. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2014 Dec;5(Suppl 2):S71-5. Free full text: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/nerve-conduction-studies-early-tuberculoid-leprosy
Yang YK. [Life Experiences of Korean Patients with Hansen's Disease in Sorok Island Hospital]. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2014 Dec 31;44(6):639-48. Korean. Abstract: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/life-experiences-korean-patients-hansens-disease-sorok-island-hospital
Journals & Newsletters
Clinics in Dermatology, Jan, Feb 2015, Special issue on leprosy: http://www.cidjournal.com/
Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development: http://dcidj.org/
Leprosy Review: http://www.lepra.org.uk/Pages/FAQs/Category/volume-85
Revista de Leprología: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/revista-de-leprologia
WHO Goodwill Ambassador’s Newsletter for the elimination of leprosy: http://www.leprosy-information.org/resource/who-goodwill-ambassador-s-newsletter-elimination-leprosy
LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder
LML blog link: http://leprosymailinglist.blogspot.it/
Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder << editorlml@gmail.com
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