Thursday, July 7, 2022

Fw: Ref.: (LML) The agenda of the upcoming ILC and problems encountered in the field do not overlap


Leprosy Mailing List – July 7,  2022


Ref.:  (LML) The agenda of the upcoming ILC and problems encountered in the field do not overlap


From:  Wim Theuvenet, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands



Dear Pieter and Ben,


Ton Schreuders and I just completed a "Course in Reconstructive Surgery and Physiotherapy in Leprosy" in Sulawesi, Flores and W. Timor.

The problems encountered there by the patients do not seem to overlap the agenda of the upcoming ILC?


1. Due to lack of financial means and the fact that (apart from MDT) patients need to pay (after "WHO targets" were reached) for all hospital care, it is often impossible for them to travel to any hospital where treatment of immune reactions, neuritis, septic surgery, physiotherapy, reconstructive surgery is available.

2. Due to the above also the knowledge of these interventions is greatly diluted or absent.


Wonder how this is elsewhere, but has their situation improved compared to 25 yrs ago?


It was remarked that the ILC will talk about Leprosy (patients), but that the latter  need to pay for digital access to the conference. Financially seen, this is again impossible and they feel excluded as the major stakeholders.


Apart from this we were greatly inspired by the dedication of all trying to uphold or improve these leprosy programs!


With best regards,


Wim Theuvenet 


LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<

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