Monday, May 26, 2008

The burden of leprosy in Bolivia

Leprosy Mailing List, April 11th, 2008

Ref.: The burden of leprosy in Bolivia (see attachment)
From: Villarreal Olaya M. E., La Paz, Bolivia

Dear Dr. Noto,

Thank you for circulating the attached paper on the LML. It is about the current situation of leprosy in my country Bolivia, which borders with Brazil.

Until the year 2006, in Bolivia were detected about 100 new cases of leprosy per year. In 2007 were carried out field campaigns in order to detect leprosy on the basis of symptomatic skin lesions. The campaigns were conducted in two Departments only, namely Beni and Pando. Their outcome was the registration of 404 new cases in 1 year; from March 2007 to February 2008.
With the objective of working actively in the control of the leprosy, we hope to arrive with this message to organizations that can help us to continue working in the leprosy endemic areas of Bolivia.

Yours sincerely.
Dra. Maria Esther Villarreal OlayaDermatologist in charge of the National Leprosy Programme La Paz, BoliviaEmail:

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