Friday, May 23, 2008

Request of information about books and other resources on leprosy in Spanish and English

Leprosy Mailing List – March 21st, 2008

Ref.: Request of information about books and other resources on leprosy in Spanish and English.
From: Periche Fernandez J., Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Dear Salvatore,
How are you?
I have been asked by some friends who work in leprosy control in Guatemala to recommend the books on leprosy needed to up date their library. Which ones would you recommend? These colleagues speak Spanish or English.
Besides books, I will recommend journals like the Leprosy Review and the Fontilles journal. It is bad that the International Journal of Leprosy and other Mycobacterial Diseases (from the ILA) is not longer been published. Do you know any other journal on leprosy worth to recommend?
I plan to invited them to the LML. Also I will let them know about web pages like ILA, ILEP, WHO, AIFO etc. Do you know any other? What else would you suggest?

I would like to know what will members of the LML have to suggest also?
Thanks in advance.
Dr. Juan Periche Fernandez
Medico-DermatologoDirector Unidad de Lepra del Distrito NacionalCoordinador Comite de etica interno (Internal review board)Instituto Dermatologico y Cirugia de PielDr Huberto Bogaert Diaz (IDCP-Dr.HBD)office (809) 684-3257 ext 234Fax (809) 681-7687Apartado postal 1090Corazones UnidosDermatologia y Cosmiatria(809) 683-6185mobile (809)815-1060e mail
Santo Domingo, DN Rep Dominicana

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