Sunday, August 25, 2013

(LML) SW monofilaments

Leprosy Mailing List – August 25 ,  2013 

Ref.:    (LML)  SW monofilaments and sensory testing

From:  Robert Jerskey, California, USA


Dear Pieter Schreuder,

I have enjoyed and greatly appreciated the ongoing discussions re: sensory testing---cogent and informative for me---including a broader historical perspective by Ben on the evolution of monofilaments and their use by investigators in the field.

I also appreciate the point raised by Wim van Brakel re: a sustainable and low cost source of the filaments.   I volunteer to follow up later with an update re: the manufacturer of the filaments and prospects of their distribution outside of the Northern market, e,g., in Africa, Asia; and even if via loose filaments that can be assembled locally.

Meanwhile, as mentioned earlier, those who are seeking the [loose] filaments for their programs/clinics are welcome to approach me---Tues, Wed., Thurs. at the Congress---and I will deliver.  [Importantly: filaments will include guidelines re: their proper calibration and application].  I might be more easily identified by one of the colorful vests---primarily black and red---from my wife's homeland of Nagaland which I will be wearing.

Looking forward to meeting old friends and new acquaintances at the Congress,



Robert Jerskey, LOTR, P.O.D. consultant, Regional Hansen's Disease Clinics in Los Angeles and San Diego



LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder

LML blog link:

Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder <<


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