Friday, August 9, 2013

Thalidomide and Brazil


Leprosy Mailing List – July 31,  2013 

Ref.:    (LML) Thalidomide and Brazil

From:  Dr. Aguinaldo Gonçalves, UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil


Dear Dr. Schreuder:


Answering Dr. Lockwood's solicitation for Brazilian colleagues commenting on relations between Thalidomide and limb congenital lesions, I would like to remember a research I conducted during my PhD training in the early 1970's in São Paulo city. We did a detailed physical examination of 117 different types of birth defects in a population of 55,000 4 to 8 year old children,  random  sampled. No Thalidomide like defect was found. 


I've also observed, during my professional practice as a dermatologist, that quite a good number of colleagues prescribes Thalidomide to skin conditions other than HD with considerable frequency, although rules & norms for its usage are very strict. 


Best regards, 


Dr. Aguinaldo Gonçalves,

Full Professor, UNICAMP,

Formerly   Sanitary Dermatology National Division Director, Brazil


LML - S Deepak, B Naafs, S Noto and P Schreuder
The link for the LML archives is
Contact: Dr Pieter Schreuder << >>.

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